Ok by the popular demand of one person here is the 2cool "chicks I banged list" and the approximate times I "dated" the girls. This list doesnt include any fellatio, handers, or anything else Ive received along the way just straight up sex. Here we go>>>>>
1)Beth (8/31/01-4/9/02) My first real love. She was my first. I was 17 she was 20, and Hot, how I pulled this off im not quite sure. We started dating when I told her "im totally in love with you right now". About 2 weeks later I got my first peice of ass. I lasted for a solid six minutes, but it was a complete mess, despite her experience. I then went from no sex ever to 8 times in six days(yes I learned quickly). Looking back, the sex was alright, and couldve been much better, I was just very afraid to be too out going etc. Anyways she turned out to be extremely crazy (in a bad way) She was on all sorts of medication and whatnot so for the fourth time we called in quits. Eaach time ended in a ridiculous storm of lies, cheating, arguing the whole nine yards.
2)Janice (4/10/02) Probably the hottest chick on the list. This occured back when I was "the man". So, one day my friend and I get invited to a party at the afore mentioned lady's house. When we get there its just her and her friend. Ellman went for her friend and I went for Janice, she wanted it , so I gave it to her.
3)Molly (8/31/02-01/09/04) Unfortunately the love of my life, as much as I hate to admit it. She had runaway from home and was living in my car, about two days later, when she was living in my house we started dating. About 2 days after that were at my friends house and she says to me I dont want to have sex soon, I jsut had it for the first time a month ago and things didnt really work out well. About 6 hours later Im fucking her in my buddies parents bed. Next night...(here comes what im most famous for)...Same buddy's house, we are partying away and getting blasted, then we retreat to my friend's retarded sisters room, obviously we start to fuck. Unbeknownst to me those fuckers taped the whole thing. Yes, I was that drunk. I didnt find out about "the artifact" until about 2 months later. To this day I have never seen the footage, except for the first hand experience. The kid that has the tape no longer hangs out with our crew any more, so who knows, my naked ass could be pumping away on the internet somewhere. Anyways these 2 1/2 years were the happiest of my life, we had alot of good times together and for about 2 of those years we loved each other like nothing else. And the things that girl could do with a dick.........the best sex by far Ive ever had, Im constantly thinking about how good it was to this day. Then I started working nights and she started hanging out with smelly hippies. And during the time frame of about one month she turned into a completely different person, from punk rocker, to the thing I hate the most, a scummy, dirty hippie. Needless to say that was the end of that. And unfortunately we lived together for about 5 months after we broke up, worst descision ive ever made.
4)Some stripper (5/1/03) The only reason i know this date is because it was the Brian birthday extravaganza. It was my first time in a strip club, and I was having the time of my life. I was wasted out of my mind. And bought two dances from this stripper, she said she wanted it, so i gave it to her right in the VIP room. (there IS sex in the champange room) Thus began my stripper addiction.
5)Some stripper (august or september 03) Im not really at liberty to talk about this one, there may have been some illegal activities happening here
6)Stripper Nikki (october 03) Ever done a line off a strippers ass, I have. Needless to say It was an expensive night.
Now since breaking up with number 3 back in January there have been plenty of chances to score with girls, but for some reason I have needed the "liquid courage" more than ever, which quickly turns into me just drinking myself retarded instead of stopping at 12-15 drinks where I have the courage of evil keneival. my friend alcohol, doesnt like to share, so she makes me drink more and shuts down my body. This has had its ups and downs you know I ve lost some chances with some pretty ladies, but the alcohol has also saved me from doing some pigs I would have regretted getting involved with.
So thats it, "the list". I hope I didnt come off as some sort of scumbag or anything like that. Id love to hear anyones comments.
A quick survey while were at it:
*Name an musical artist your friends rip on you for listening to: (usher)
*celebrity you hate most and why: (dash con.....a) he sold out b)he gets all the ladies c)hes way too emo)
*Have you ever been in a fight(s): (yes, ill elaborate at a later time)
1)Beth (8/31/01-4/9/02) My first real love. She was my first. I was 17 she was 20, and Hot, how I pulled this off im not quite sure. We started dating when I told her "im totally in love with you right now". About 2 weeks later I got my first peice of ass. I lasted for a solid six minutes, but it was a complete mess, despite her experience. I then went from no sex ever to 8 times in six days(yes I learned quickly). Looking back, the sex was alright, and couldve been much better, I was just very afraid to be too out going etc. Anyways she turned out to be extremely crazy (in a bad way) She was on all sorts of medication and whatnot so for the fourth time we called in quits. Eaach time ended in a ridiculous storm of lies, cheating, arguing the whole nine yards.
2)Janice (4/10/02) Probably the hottest chick on the list. This occured back when I was "the man". So, one day my friend and I get invited to a party at the afore mentioned lady's house. When we get there its just her and her friend. Ellman went for her friend and I went for Janice, she wanted it , so I gave it to her.
3)Molly (8/31/02-01/09/04) Unfortunately the love of my life, as much as I hate to admit it. She had runaway from home and was living in my car, about two days later, when she was living in my house we started dating. About 2 days after that were at my friends house and she says to me I dont want to have sex soon, I jsut had it for the first time a month ago and things didnt really work out well. About 6 hours later Im fucking her in my buddies parents bed. Next night...(here comes what im most famous for)...Same buddy's house, we are partying away and getting blasted, then we retreat to my friend's retarded sisters room, obviously we start to fuck. Unbeknownst to me those fuckers taped the whole thing. Yes, I was that drunk. I didnt find out about "the artifact" until about 2 months later. To this day I have never seen the footage, except for the first hand experience. The kid that has the tape no longer hangs out with our crew any more, so who knows, my naked ass could be pumping away on the internet somewhere. Anyways these 2 1/2 years were the happiest of my life, we had alot of good times together and for about 2 of those years we loved each other like nothing else. And the things that girl could do with a dick.........the best sex by far Ive ever had, Im constantly thinking about how good it was to this day. Then I started working nights and she started hanging out with smelly hippies. And during the time frame of about one month she turned into a completely different person, from punk rocker, to the thing I hate the most, a scummy, dirty hippie. Needless to say that was the end of that. And unfortunately we lived together for about 5 months after we broke up, worst descision ive ever made.
4)Some stripper (5/1/03) The only reason i know this date is because it was the Brian birthday extravaganza. It was my first time in a strip club, and I was having the time of my life. I was wasted out of my mind. And bought two dances from this stripper, she said she wanted it, so i gave it to her right in the VIP room. (there IS sex in the champange room) Thus began my stripper addiction.
5)Some stripper (august or september 03) Im not really at liberty to talk about this one, there may have been some illegal activities happening here
6)Stripper Nikki (october 03) Ever done a line off a strippers ass, I have. Needless to say It was an expensive night.
Now since breaking up with number 3 back in January there have been plenty of chances to score with girls, but for some reason I have needed the "liquid courage" more than ever, which quickly turns into me just drinking myself retarded instead of stopping at 12-15 drinks where I have the courage of evil keneival. my friend alcohol, doesnt like to share, so she makes me drink more and shuts down my body. This has had its ups and downs you know I ve lost some chances with some pretty ladies, but the alcohol has also saved me from doing some pigs I would have regretted getting involved with.
So thats it, "the list". I hope I didnt come off as some sort of scumbag or anything like that. Id love to hear anyones comments.
A quick survey while were at it:
*Name an musical artist your friends rip on you for listening to: (usher)
*celebrity you hate most and why: (dash con.....a) he sold out b)he gets all the ladies c)hes way too emo)
*Have you ever been in a fight(s): (yes, ill elaborate at a later time)
I HATE Britney Spears....I don't think she is pretty, I don't think she can sing, she is a puppet, she doesn't think for herself and basically she's fucking irritating.
Yes I have been in 2 fights.....all before I turned 18 and I kicked ass! (I do not condone fighting now that I am more mature and realize the repercussions of fights)