Is the Mach 3 the best thing in the world or what? If you've used it before you know what Im talking about, if not you have no idea what you're missing. Heres an example 2 days ago when I cut the beard off my face I was out of blades so I used a cheap disposable razor. The closest thing I can equate it...
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well, tell me what you're into and i'll tell you what i can recommend.

my area of expertise is music stores (as in instruments, not CDs - I have no idea where all the cool record shops are) and restaurants.

i'd be happy to recommend either, if that's your bag.
ello to you too tongue
Edited to say... nice razor face!!!

[Edited on Jun 27, 2004 10:57PM]
Ahoy there.

Ok, I sort of blew off my date yesterday. The other night at work I came to the realization that after I had been dumped back in january, I promised myself that I wouldnt be jumping into this mess known as dating anytime soon. I know its been six months, but I realized that Im in no hurry to jump back into any...
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Man, did I ever mention TRUST NO ONE!! ? Well, everything was fine, she was initiating the physical stuff, I was dumb, let her move into my roommate's room downstairs... very close to sex... "I think we should just be friends... that's how i've always felt" WTF? Now if I haven't been used I don't know what the fuck just happened there. mad
PS- I can't figure out how to delete a pic from my account here.
Is "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers, the best song out right now or what???

And thanks for all the congratulations, however Im not sure if this lady is technically my girlfriend, but it looks like its going that way quickly, without any problems.

This girl is absolutely amazing, evrything I look for in a girl. Shes intelligent, sexy, funny, beautiful, talkative, a little weird,...
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"You Could Be Mine" is totally the best GnR song, ever.


Yeah, I forgot to stick it in there. But, I've been pimping the group all over the place one person at a time!
but see, that's what intrigues me so much. She looks so innocent, but she talks so dirty like. Mm mm mm
Welp, went to barbeque/fire with my ladyfriend. Not a very intimate date by anymeans, and pretty much everyone from the hotel party was there. It went allright, not nearly as good as I had hoped, but not bad. I was all nervous and afraid etc., but it turned out Ok. So, we're going out again wednesday, so hopefully things continue to go well and get...
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Judging by my journal post and my change back to my old profile pic (which I love) you'd think all went to shit. Well so did I, at the time. But after a lengthy MSN Messenger talk (we just stopped talking now so you do the math) our conversation went from what I thought was a "You're a nice guy but..." conversation to a "What the fuck? I was just explaining myself, let's just not get wrapped up in the boyfriend/girlfriend soap opera shit..." (not a direct quote) so it seems like the next time we hang out things will be cooler than ever. I'm stoked...
I hope things went good for you as well, I haven't noticed any soccer updates in my journal....
I've since updated my journal to reflect the more current developments...
JonAlcoholic really needs agirlfriend too, unfortunately for him I wouldn't wish that on anyone wink Actually I do have an ex I hate...
I know he's reading this now going, hmmmm does she have big boobs? Yes Jon she does, go for her!!
I'm setting a bad example here, I used my journal entries to poke fun at you and now I'm posting in your journal to get at someone else..
Anyway I hope you're having fun with your new girlfriend.
Got a big date tonight with my ladyfriend, and Im praying it doesnt get too akward. We talked on the phone for a little bit today, Man, that girl is amazing.......
So hopefully things go well tonight, and I promise there wont be any journals about me scoring, unless we go on a date that involves playing hockey, or Im super drunk.

Have fun this...
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chew with your mouth closed.

don't burp.

don't say "ta ta's" thats a red flag word.


good luck brotha, i'm sure everything will go great. don't worry about it.
damn man, don't fart! And uhmm, don't pick your nose.

I wish I had a ladyfriend I could take out and potentialy get some from.
Well, yesterday, I called my lady friend, and I got shut down because she was going horseback riding. I got beat out by a stupid animal. Shes gonna call me today or tommorrow to do something though. Unfortunately I have to work both days again this weekend, but I really really want to hang out with her. So hopefully this weekend shapes up to be...
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i am doing my damndest to get people in the get fuzzy group. i don't know why, but i like the idea of having a whole lot of people in it with no idea of what to talk about.
ok, admittedly i'm loaded but when does that ever stop me? Things seem yo be goin' ok with me and beautiful nodrinkin' friend. Apparently I'm the nicest and funniest guy she's met, I guess she hasn't met too many people. Tomorrow is the day that it's just the 2 of us, before we go to a big thing toghether where we'll know noone. I know at least we're gonna cause some shit together...
Allrighty, about 2 minutes after I finished typing yesterdays journal, I walk up stairs and guess who's siting in my living room? Yes thats right, Her, and unfortunately about 6 other of my sisters friends. I say whats up as Im walking through. As Im getting ready for work, Im trying to work up the courage to go back in there and talk to that...
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Doesn't sound bad, but doesn't sound good. I don't want to be a naysayer, but you never know about women.

Either who, your beard is almost as cool as my picture.

rock dude and drink. That's what i'm doing right now.
how are things going with the lady?
Ok, Update time, I only have a few minutes so its gonna be quick.

For starters the girl is 18 and by bathroom I meant an actual bathroom, nothing else. And yes according to her and nomerous others at the party she was a virgin.

At first I just wanted it to be a one night thing, but now I cant stop thinking about this...
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Call her dude. All kiddind aside (like my "bathroom" comment). Go with your heart, then balance it with your head. # years don't mean shit, it's where you're both at in your minds and lives, if it clicks then here's to you *clink*

Man we gotta meet when you come to T.O.
this may be the bummer thing to say, but i gotta say it. be careful. if she is 18 and you are her first, there is a very good chance that you may not be her last. you've been around a bit and you know whats out there, she doesn't. if you are looking for something serious, then just be careful that she may wake up from you a few months to a few years down the road and realize she is lacking experiences.

i ignored every thought in my head when i met the girl i've been bitching about. she was 19. i thought she was really mature and she had even been with more people than me (no real skill big feat there), but i was ready for love and she said she was tired of the bullshit, so we gave it our all. she left me with "Jord, I'm only 20 I'm not ready for this." told me i wasn't like any other guys and that i was a fucking "learning experience" for her.

however, the future hasn't happened yet, you are not me and she isn't her. you may fall madly in love, get married, and have a ton of children with digital beards. or, you may have a great summer romance and leave better people for having known each other.

do what you think is right but keep my advice buried somewhere in the rational part of your brain.

as far as advice goes: you seem quite capable of being a sweet and respectful dude (despite the fact that you call breasts ta-ta's), so just drop any and all bullshit and be yourself. tell her she's cool, you've been thinking about her a lot, and you want to hang out and get to know her. tell her that you really dug actually holding her and talking to her...

or just tell her she has great ta-ta's
OK. I just want to aplologize if I offended anyone with my last post, it was about playing soccer, i swear, or commented anywhere. I think Im gonna but a breathalizer on this computer so I wont be able to make an ass of myself.

Since Saturday was probably one of the best days Ive lived in a while, were going to do a day...
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hahahahahahha a million fucking times for that beard!!! That is so great! And by great, I mean terrible, and of course, by terrible I mean GREAT!


Alright brotha, I'm in the Get Fuzzy group. I'll see who else I can rally.


About the virginity in the bathroom thing: She may have wanted her first time to be wild and memorable. I would've so much rathered my first time had passion and not misguided awkwardness. About the 'what to do now thing': Do you like her? Do you want to see more of her? Do you want an easy out?

Also, that puts you at 7 doesn't it? With me at 6. Strippers or no, I'm not taking this shit, look out ladies, a melancholy bastard with something to prove is on the loose!

And lastly, what the fuck? Are you laying a challenge to my claim of long fucking journal entries detailing everything you do?

(Just fucking around, I actually thought the entry was great).

Ok, I would tend to believe that said girl was NOT a virgin, unless she was like 15 or sumthin' si there something you're hiding from us? I can give no advice until you tell me her age. I'd like to say congradulations on an obviously great night but I'll wait to see if you have any charges pending. Your sister's prob'ly gonna be mad you fucked her friend in the bathroom. And when you say you did her in the bathroom you're not talkin' bout, well, you know? Maybe you stole her "other" virginity kiss
Chapman SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im back on track again...........


And Im clearly wasted...............

It was a long wait, but Im back.


To all my drunks, I hoipe you had a good night cause I certainly did.
i shall continue to be the voice of the clean and sober in this comments group:

shame on you for drinking.

rock on for the scoring.
details will be provided in your next post, right?

don't hold out on us man.
Whats up fuckers?

I havent slept in a solid 24 hours so ima little tired, and a little wired.

I had to work overtime today, I forgot how shitty it was to work during the day. Im stuck inside and everybody else is outside living it up. The huge paycheck next week should make me forget about how lame today was.

Im growing the beard...
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oh no i live near toronto. i will check that place ouyt next time i'm there.
what kind of places are you looking for?
Ok by the popular demand of one person here is the 2cool "chicks I banged list" and the approximate times I "dated" the girls. This list doesnt include any fellatio, handers, or anything else Ive received along the way just straight up sex. Here we go>>>>>

1)Beth (8/31/01-4/9/02) My first real love. She was my first. I was 17 she was 20, and Hot, how...
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Everyone always rips on me for liking Lenny Kravitz

I HATE Britney Spears....I don't think she is pretty, I don't think she can sing, she is a puppet, she doesn't think for herself and basically she's fucking irritating.

Yes I have been in 2 fights.....all before I turned 18 and I kicked ass! (I do not condone fighting now that I am more mature and realize the repercussions of fights)
uh, no i didn't take offense at anything. i don't really care enough about anything that isn't graphic arts-related to get offended, really.