la la la lalalalala
um...lalala laa lalalaaalla
yeah...like lalalala...lalalalalala
need to pluck mine eyes out mine head now...so as not to see changing course of events....
bored........ooohhh <----- pretty aquarium....lalala
okay boring...like boh ho ho ring...so...latest and greatest dreams:
i fucked both angelina jolie...with my fist and a black dildo...at same time...and then it switched to some guy...let me remember who...?? hmmmm...don't remember...
okay...had a dream about irish but she was neither "hittin' that shit from behind" nor "dancing around naked doing the running man" -like irish nobody does the running man anymore...
okay...had a dream about my grandma...she was with me man and i know it...
had a nightmare(no not with irish)just kidding love- where this kid from high school got shot in front of me...but it turned out i was the dead one...like a ghost and shit...and....
then some others..but can't remember....
and where g_e_d be??
i like daggers' new year's resolutions...and i'd like to second louys' statement that 2004 was the crappiest, stinkiest of them all so far...please dear lord let 2005 be nicer on the eyes and nose...
and....i miss m*&^%-i'm coming to eat your eyeballs m*&^%....right after i do the roger rabbit on your face...
movies i've seen recently since i've been cloistered up in ken tuh kee (spreedom:
interview w/a vampire-yes tom cruise is gay..and you love him
whole volume 2 aquateen hunger force-better to recognize than to get your eyeballs plucked out of their sockets
pirates of the caribbean-love me some johnny depp and some gold bullions
sleepy hollow-uh...ditto on the aforementioned comment-o and....tim burton!! (eyes plucked from sockets again)
double jeopardy-there was a time when ashley judd and i were engaged but alas, she has strayed with young buck race car driver and she has not one, but TWO restraining orders out against me
tonight i watch vertigo...or rear window...or some such other masterpiece by mr. hitchcock...as in...he has hitched a trailer to said cock...and i don't mean no weather vane...vain...vein...fun...

okay....that's it...talk amongst yourselves....let me see if i have a good profile pic for all you hungry little elves...out for my blood..or you should be at least...what's wrong with you people!!?? (i'm shouting this)
I do the running man... does this mean I can't hang out with the cool kids anymore?
see ya sweetie