What would happen if governments did the following?:

1. Decriminalised all 'illicit' drug use.
2. Created state run farms and factories for the growing and processing of 'illicit' drugs.
3. Provided those drugs without question and without charge to anyone who asked.

Would the crime drop to negligible levels? Would people just get stoned and stay stoned? Never go to work? Never have a family?...
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It is 01:30 AM local time and it is 35 degrees C (95F). Top yesterday was 43C (110F), the third day in a row over 40C. And it is supposed to be over 40 again today. Thankfully there is a cold front coming this afternoon so things will cool down. But at the moment I am in an oven, unable to sleep.
I've got a full bottle of pepsi, half a block of chocolate, there are 20 pages to write to complete ch4, it's night, and i'm wearing sunglasses.

Hit It.
Ahh, Spring rain. Is Good. Sounds like it is set in for a while as well. I was awake at 1am and it was raining then. Awesome. Awesome to the max.
Two quotes I like at the moment:

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light." - Dylan Thomas, from his poem 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night'.

"Cry Havoc! and let slip the dogs of war." - Antony in Shakespeare's play 'Julius Caeser'
I have absolutely no energy.

I have not advanced my thesis this weekend.

I have to go to work tomorrow.


Long live JJJ (http://triplej.net.au). They're in the middle of a three day feature of playing live music sets that they have recorded over the years. Kicked off with The White Stripes yesterday and tonight I've heard Rage Against The Machine, AC/DC and the Ramones. I'm debating whether I should stay up and catch The Cure at 3am. Maybe they'll be extra cool and...
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