this is to let everyone i know and love that i am going to iraq we got the official word tonight the 19 of may at 920 pm. we are to deploy as soon as this summer. we all thought that me in korea meant no iraq we were all wrong this is my letter to tell u what i know ... a bit of the mail I recieved from my son; I am a proud parent of an American Soldier
my friend is a hand guy and is obsessed with my hands...well my fingers actually.
...I had to admit that was a first for me. I've been complimented on a lot of featues but not my fingers.
(better watch out these fingers are dangerous---*while poking your eye out*)
ps-thats sux about your son, I'm sorry to hear that. WAR sucks...plain and simple)
[Edited on May 20, 2004 2:37PM]