Back in College! Hey let me know if you want to talk about politics, history, epistemology/anthropology, quantum physics, or philosophy! Having fun love thinking learning chillaxing exploratorium.EL SUICIDO LOCO
Yeah, I'm at Evergreen State now. College has taught me a lot about people and the world, and I went down a different path than I expected at the start. I love meeting unexpected friends and finding out about the world..it can be like the road not taken...sometimes too much...I am interested in so many things and other students/tenants aren't always respectful...so there is adaptation. Anyway, I've been thinking about Kierkegaard recently and two of his conclusions (these thoughts are highly contradictory and need discussion): 1)"subjectivity is truth" is a false counterpervasion to the overwhelmingly historiography of philosophies of truth that explicitly validate and tacitly pervade and 2)"the devil as the agent of objectivity" alongside contemporary social scripting and its claims to objectivity implicates individuals caught up in normative activities & perceptions as actors of such a terrible agent.

Do you have any favorite writers or thinkers at the moment? Maybe they will become apart of this chaos stichomancy.

I'm taking a course "American Indian Sovereignty" with a lot of reading. Being new this Quarter will hopefully not be a burden.

Best to ya.
Happy Birthday <3