I have decided that my favorite sensation in the world is being somewhere extreemly high and not quite being able to trust yourself not to jump.
More Blogs
Wednesday Feb 16, 2005
today today, be where we really are I am teh drunk trevor is pwnt… -
Monday Feb 14, 2005
I have an ex who has been calling me lately, I guess I should say th… -
Thursday Feb 10, 2005
everyone hates a tourist. you will never understand how it feels t… -
Sunday Feb 06, 2005
The past is but the beginning of the beginning and all that is and ha… -
Tuesday Feb 01, 2005
silence is a weight on one's chest like the succubi of old leeching b… -
Monday Jan 31, 2005
Break it all down I don't really want anything anymore, and the le… -
Thursday Jan 27, 2005
So, lunch time yet again And look where I am, updating... again lo… -
Tuesday Jan 25, 2005
Hmm no pics... excessively shitty camera. where is my railgun when… -
Tuesday Jan 25, 2005
I am listening to this song... by the shins... called new slang... it… -
Monday Jan 24, 2005
So I am going to work on this thing a bit tonight. Dead I am the s…