how do I express my feelings at the minute, just come back from a wicked holiday in prague with 6 of my old u ni mates and i am totally depressed.
I hate feeling this way i wnat to be more positive and up beat at the minute but the holiday stirred up alot of old emotions too long and complicated to go into at the minute.
I love Prague so much and i want to move back out there. Memory is a wonderful thing, you see things in one colour only, I can only remember the good times. I have forgotten all the heartbrake of losing jobs before they started and endless nights in on your own when your social circle and bank balance is so small.
I had great plans for my day off today and get my future sorted but I refused to answer my phone. This meant that prospective employers could not get through so my future is more uncertain. I am my own worst enemy at times.
Do i take a chance and hand my notice in anyway and hope that things turn out well or do i do as normal and play it safe. I like to think that I am a risk taker but safety not danger is my middle name. I have my 6 monthly review and i would love to hand my notice in there and then in an overly dramatic manner.
i know getting down becoming a recluse and crying myself to sleep is not going to solve anything today it seemed right but tomorrow is a new day and i will come out fighting and sort out this life that i over analyse.
Wish me luck - I need it
I hate feeling this way i wnat to be more positive and up beat at the minute but the holiday stirred up alot of old emotions too long and complicated to go into at the minute.
I love Prague so much and i want to move back out there. Memory is a wonderful thing, you see things in one colour only, I can only remember the good times. I have forgotten all the heartbrake of losing jobs before they started and endless nights in on your own when your social circle and bank balance is so small.
I had great plans for my day off today and get my future sorted but I refused to answer my phone. This meant that prospective employers could not get through so my future is more uncertain. I am my own worst enemy at times.
Do i take a chance and hand my notice in anyway and hope that things turn out well or do i do as normal and play it safe. I like to think that I am a risk taker but safety not danger is my middle name. I have my 6 monthly review and i would love to hand my notice in there and then in an overly dramatic manner.
i know getting down becoming a recluse and crying myself to sleep is not going to solve anything today it seemed right but tomorrow is a new day and i will come out fighting and sort out this life that i over analyse.
Wish me luck - I need it