Is it wrong to wish your life away!?!?
I cant wait for the weekend(that sounds like it should be a hook for a shitty dance Toon. Wha'ya mean someone beat me to it
) From friday I will be in cov, l'pool, nottingham and finally Amsterdam. i'm soo excited
I am going to drink smoke and eat my way to oblivion.
Earlier this week I did decide to do some serious thinking about my future. Unfortunately the only conclusion that i could come to is that i dont like thinking, especially if the thinking involves me.
Things that crossed my mind:-
1, Dont settle for 2nd best.
2, Why not settle for 2nd best when currently I am living in the 5th best option.
3, Dont buy anymore clothes and shoes
4, I like buying clothes and shoes
5, I hate my job
6, I have hated every job that I have done
7, I am lazy
8, I dont like any sort of pain.
9, Who does like pain, apart from the secretary
10, You cant live in films.
Anyway that is enough self loathing for any man. I am going to look at naked women and think about the weekend. Life is good.
I cant wait for the weekend(that sounds like it should be a hook for a shitty dance Toon. Wha'ya mean someone beat me to it

I am going to drink smoke and eat my way to oblivion.

Earlier this week I did decide to do some serious thinking about my future. Unfortunately the only conclusion that i could come to is that i dont like thinking, especially if the thinking involves me.
Things that crossed my mind:-
1, Dont settle for 2nd best.
2, Why not settle for 2nd best when currently I am living in the 5th best option.
3, Dont buy anymore clothes and shoes
4, I like buying clothes and shoes
5, I hate my job
6, I have hated every job that I have done
7, I am lazy
8, I dont like any sort of pain.
9, Who does like pain, apart from the secretary
10, You cant live in films.
Anyway that is enough self loathing for any man. I am going to look at naked women and think about the weekend. Life is good.

This is what I do when I'm confused....
I sit down and write a list of all the things in my life that I want to achieve, i.e all my dreams
Then I explore why I want those things and write a list of reasons behind wanting those things. If there are loads of things, I just focus on one of them.
Then I write a list of reasons why I might be afraid of getting those things.
I think our thoughts and the way we think are a lot more powerful than we realise, and so often we don't get where we want to be in life, because we are afraid, or we have certain negative beliefs associated with what we want. I.e you might be fed up being broke all the time, but you have a (sometimes subconcious) belief that rich people are materialist or shallow, and that belief can prevent us or hinder us from having money.
I think no one gets anywhere in life by letting things happen to them. Everything involves a conscious choice. Super succesful people dont get where they are because they sit around and wait for things to happen.
What I find so infuriating is that no matter what life style you have, how much money you have, there are always things to moan about.
Like when I worked a nine to five job last year, I was constantly misrable because I didnt have enough time to myself. Now I'm pissed off because although I have loads of time to myself, and have complete freedom to work whenever I want, I cannot switch off. I can't get home from work and not think about it. For the first time in my life, I can't get to sleep at night, because ther's never a time when I'm not thinking about work.
Anyways, I divulge. Everything is made up of energy, that's a scientific fact. and our thoughts are energy too. Miracles, or 'magic', or yogis staying really warm even in freezing conditions is just a conscious manifestation of thought, a conscious manipulation of energy. And I believe that we do this every day without realising it, on subtle levels. If you say to yourself, 'I am ugly and no one will ever want to go out with me', you will create that scenario: no one will go out with you. If you say to yourself every day, 'I'm going to get cancer, or I'm afraid of getting cancer', then it will probably come true. This is why positive affirmations, even if they are really cheesy, work. Because with your thoughts, you are manipulating energy, you are manifesting thought.
The one thing that really successful people have in common (i.e people who have made their dreams come true), is that very early on they had a 'vision' of themselves as successful people. To me, their success has to do with the power of their thoughts. Instead of thinking 'oh i wish i was sucessful', they think of themselves as being successful. It is the manifestation of thoughts. That's the way the universe works.
Gosh, that was rather longer than I intended. Does that sound feasible or ridiculous to you?
Anyways, have a lovely time in 'Dam and I look forward to hearing about it when you get back.
Oh, and I prefer to use tit tape (is that taupee tape?) and no, it doesn't hurt when you take them off. But truth be told, my nipples arent as sensitive as other peoples.
London SG member get together: next week on Thursday, location to be decided! Pencil it in your busy schedule! Tell any one you know!