felt it essential to write a new blog, It had been a new while and Ive got alot on my mind, I suppose.
So to set the situation, I am less than a month from seperating from the military. its a little bit of stress, and in the long run , a dramatic lifestyle change.
Work is alright, Im so close to finishing that I am only trying my hardest to leave a good impression. I honestly care very little about it anymore, which I suppose can be expected.
The transition itself it stressing me out. we haven't for sure secured a place to live, we haven't yet secured decent jobs, I am worried about the condition of my current vehicle. I am worried about the transition in general. However, I am eager to throw myself at the new attempt at things and I look forward to the challenge. Me and Adam, My soon to be roommate and a best friend of mine, are both intellegent driven men , and I think that we will make the best out what is thrown at us.
Korea has been a fantastic adventure this time around, but I am looking forward to the change in scenery. Its the little things I miss, like denny's and normal girls and my closest friends.
I have been listening to alot of older music lately, rather than looking into new things. mostly Oi, but I found a few more tracks from stiff little fingers, who I really dig.
My writing and painting has been really slow going lately, Im still working on a short story that I started writing months ago, and I haven't put anything new on canvas or on stickers in a couple weeks. It makes me sad, Ive just been super busy.
thats all for now, I suppose. Im going to start updating more regularly.
"Here I sit, My life's a model kit
but I've burned the instructions and the pieces dont fit."
-The Impossibles
So to set the situation, I am less than a month from seperating from the military. its a little bit of stress, and in the long run , a dramatic lifestyle change.
Work is alright, Im so close to finishing that I am only trying my hardest to leave a good impression. I honestly care very little about it anymore, which I suppose can be expected.
The transition itself it stressing me out. we haven't for sure secured a place to live, we haven't yet secured decent jobs, I am worried about the condition of my current vehicle. I am worried about the transition in general. However, I am eager to throw myself at the new attempt at things and I look forward to the challenge. Me and Adam, My soon to be roommate and a best friend of mine, are both intellegent driven men , and I think that we will make the best out what is thrown at us.
Korea has been a fantastic adventure this time around, but I am looking forward to the change in scenery. Its the little things I miss, like denny's and normal girls and my closest friends.
I have been listening to alot of older music lately, rather than looking into new things. mostly Oi, but I found a few more tracks from stiff little fingers, who I really dig.
My writing and painting has been really slow going lately, Im still working on a short story that I started writing months ago, and I haven't put anything new on canvas or on stickers in a couple weeks. It makes me sad, Ive just been super busy.
thats all for now, I suppose. Im going to start updating more regularly.
"Here I sit, My life's a model kit
but I've burned the instructions and the pieces dont fit."
-The Impossibles
I hope ur transition goes well....I'm sure u'll do good.
Don't be gone for so long like that