Last night was fun after I got home from the gym I have been wanting to re-pierce my labret because i had to take it out for my last job. So I went up to the local piercing shop.....$60 bucks plus jewelry.....uh no, so I went online bought forceps and some sterilized piercing needles, all for $11 bucks + blood + pain=RePierced Labret..Yeah I got all my tools yesterday I used my forceps to line up the right spot under my lip, grabed my 14 gauge needle, pulled my lip down and slid that needle through kinda slow, not because of the masicism, but because i didnt want to fuck up the hole, slid my bar through and bamn nice lined up 14 gauge labret
its healing rather nicely too, I wouldnt recommend doing this at home the pain is pretty bad piercing yourself i actually started sweating really bad after it was done and had to sit down for a few minutes.

I bet that must have hurt. I kind of like that pain, but it must be different to do yourself. I did stick a safety pin through my lip when I was about 16, even though I'm sure I was only ever 62% punk AT BEST ... but it didn't work out too well. It swelled and it was a lot of bother for just one night. Still, other than pierced ears and stuff, that was about as wild as it got in 1980.
Congratulations on the piercing!
i could never pierce myself i don't think...
however, piercings rawk.. i'm attempting to get my nipples done tomar!!! i'm so excited!! and sceered... lol oh well, i'll never know if i like um unless i get them right???