@rambo @missy
I would love to meet Leonardo Da Vinci, talk science with him and paint stuff together (i'm currently trying to paint with the florentin oil method). I visited a lot of museums about him in Italy and even his last house in France, truly a passionating man, a pioneer in everything modern. I loved to invent stuff when i was a little girl...
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Fenêtre sur coeur
SG Set
by r_girardi
@rambo @missy
I read all the time since I'm very little so I had to pick classics ! I was actually too poor to buy my own books so I used to borrow everything from my friends, my teachers or the library.
I shall begin with all the french covers for Harry Potter, which are magnificient. Artist : Jean-Claude Götting
Then obviously, the following are
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3/3: Post a problem or inconvenience you have that can only be solved by an item which does not yet exist.
An invention i want for AGES, really. I want glasses that put subtitles on every movie and serie and tv. If you watch a lot of series like i do, you know the struggle to find subtitles, especially if it's...
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