Hello Dirty Birdies....
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Hello Dirty Birdies....
@natalia_randle nominated me for @akril 's questionnaire so I couldn't pass up the fun!
1) Height? 5 feet and 2 inches... and another 1/2 inch
2) Virgin? I'm still saving my virginity for AJ Mclean from the Backstreet Boys
3) Do you smoke? I smoke alot of Weed... And I only like my weed as a joint or blunt, but besides that no. Cigarettes and
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Hello Dirty Birdies... How have you been? THANK GOD IT'S LEO SEASON & CANCER SEASON IS OVER! Anyone else had a good cry the last week?! I feel like it's been so long since I've stopped in to say Hi. I've been trying to keep busy and productive this quarantine. I've been doing my best to stay socially distant and masked up when in public....
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