Hello my rouges and pinched cheeks
No real blog, i am kind of worried that if i put anything "real" on paper then everything will come out. And I will be left with a terrible, scattered novel.
So quickly things i enjoy
www.Rookiemag.com -is the pretentious, snobby, navel gazing magazine i wish i read as a teen
growing my hair out and braiding it,...
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No real blog, i am kind of worried that if i put anything "real" on paper then everything will come out. And I will be left with a terrible, scattered novel.
So quickly things i enjoy
www.Rookiemag.com -is the pretentious, snobby, navel gazing magazine i wish i read as a teen
growing my hair out and braiding it,...
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On my BD you vanished *sadz*
Was just looking through my old friends list and saw you...was just wondering how you're doing. Hope all is well.
i think of you all the time
i am sporadically on twitter @ladyfistforever
i am sporadically on twitter @ladyfistforever
I've missed you ! See you on my TL soon then!
Been missing you around these parts! 

I haven't written in a very very long time.
My life is so fucking cliche guys.
I have a really pretty baby (will post pictures when i figure out how to post pictures from a mac) I spend all my time playing with and sleeping with and feeding him. and none of my time on the internet.
My body is softer and harder and...
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I haven't written in a very very long time.
My life is so fucking cliche guys.
I have a really pretty baby (will post pictures when i figure out how to post pictures from a mac) I spend all my time playing with and sleeping with and feeding him. and none of my time on the internet.
My body is softer and harder and...
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how are you sweetie? everything alright? xoxo
I miss my friend. Maybe see you at Comic Con sometime.
I miss your lovely face.
Now that's some mighty fine belly fruit ya got there, looks like ya plucked em out just at the right moment.
so i can't sleep.
at all, i am nervous about my life changeing,.
real blog later.
at all, i am nervous about my life changeing,.
real blog later.
Congrats to your new edition in your family
Hello my Sirens and Mermaids,
So the good part about being SGs token fat girl is that I get away with having opinions. Unlike the poor 18 year old brunettes who still have high hopes of sets being bought (good luck kids)
What Sg is doing to staff photographers is bullshit, and the fact that they fired 2 of the 3 official photographers who will...
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So the good part about being SGs token fat girl is that I get away with having opinions. Unlike the poor 18 year old brunettes who still have high hopes of sets being bought (good luck kids)
What Sg is doing to staff photographers is bullshit, and the fact that they fired 2 of the 3 official photographers who will...
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As a paying member of this site, I'm curious as to your opinion of the site and how it's running its operations NOW. (I just saw this post of yours from 3 years ago.)
I've had my own issues with inconsistent site rules and hypocrisy. Consequently, I'm getting kind of bored with it now, except that I don't want to cancel my subscription because I do enjoy messaging with a few people. Is that worth $48/year, though? I'm not sure anymore.
hello my earth shakers,
blah, blah, blah earthquake, blah blah blah why did I leave the west coast, blah blah blah
I have a serious countdown to The Birth Day going.
And i can't seem to do anything but sleep and grind my teeth.
So this blog is profoundly lame.
anything happening with you? anything not related to me tearing from hole to hole?

blah, blah, blah earthquake, blah blah blah why did I leave the west coast, blah blah blah
I have a serious countdown to The Birth Day going.
And i can't seem to do anything but sleep and grind my teeth.
So this blog is profoundly lame.
anything happening with you? anything not related to me tearing from hole to hole?

I owe you so many drinks once you're not having to watch what you drink anymore. That post in Male Sexuality was the shit.
It's a date.
I love that you come to Tdot
. SQUUEEEeee hope you are well. I'm back on here so drop a line anytime!

your boobs and belleh are lovely, not crazy <3
Hello my hard peaches and green bananas,
I am so so so not ready.
So instead of thinking about what I should be thinking about, or reading what I should be reading, or cleaning what I should be cleaning, I am gonna make a series of lists.
David Bowie dance moves that baffle me
1. Every god damn thing in this video. Try any of...
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I am so so so not ready.
So instead of thinking about what I should be thinking about, or reading what I should be reading, or cleaning what I should be cleaning, I am gonna make a series of lists.
David Bowie dance moves that baffle me
1. Every god damn thing in this video. Try any of...
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Things I'm looking for in a woman:
1. Kindness
2. compassion, but not so much compassion that she won't eat meat, wear leather, etc. If called upon, she should be able to slaughter the animal as well as cook it.
3. someone who's actually ready when I come to pick her up for a date.
4. quietness. I don't like women who talk a lot. My ideal woman would be beautiful and mute --like Nova from "Planet of the Apes"
5. someone who doesn't fart, at least, not in my presence.
I really don't think I'm asking for too much.
1. Kindness
2. compassion, but not so much compassion that she won't eat meat, wear leather, etc. If called upon, she should be able to slaughter the animal as well as cook it.
3. someone who's actually ready when I come to pick her up for a date.
4. quietness. I don't like women who talk a lot. My ideal woman would be beautiful and mute --like Nova from "Planet of the Apes"
5. someone who doesn't fart, at least, not in my presence.
I really don't think I'm asking for too much.
i think i would pay big money to watch you spin your peener like a pastie tassel. big monies.
you'll do great girlie...you will probably start feeling oober ready as it nears closer to that date.....you can read all you want but the labor is going to go how it goes. the doc will walk you through most everything....just remmeber when its all said and done you'll have a perfect little darling in your arms that you get to love EVERY day for the rest of your life
ps- vanilla seltzer?!?! my grocrey stores carry this NOT! sounds amazing. id just about die without seltzer
you'll do great girlie...you will probably start feeling oober ready as it nears closer to that date.....you can read all you want but the labor is going to go how it goes. the doc will walk you through most everything....just remmeber when its all said and done you'll have a perfect little darling in your arms that you get to love EVERY day for the rest of your life

ps- vanilla seltzer?!?! my grocrey stores carry this NOT! sounds amazing. id just about die without seltzer
Hello my bonzais and cherry tomatoes,
Did you guys know I grew a roommate? Her name is Connie, and if you are friends with me on the twitter I talk about her/to her all the time. She is going through a break up with this weiner of a dude, so mostly I get her blitzed. And we gossip.
Did I tell you guys about Lamaze...
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Did you guys know I grew a roommate? Her name is Connie, and if you are friends with me on the twitter I talk about her/to her all the time. She is going through a break up with this weiner of a dude, so mostly I get her blitzed. And we gossip.
Did I tell you guys about Lamaze...
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I had an arch-nemesis! We worked together for a semester at a tutoring center...I didn't do a goddamn thing to her, and yet, she was so awful to me, we had to have non-overlapping schedules, and the very few times we did work together, it was AWFUL. I still hate her to this day, it was very satisfying to reject her facebook friend request.
I'm glad to hear pregnancy is going great, I hope it keeps treating you well!
I'm glad to hear pregnancy is going great, I hope it keeps treating you well!
I'm going to have to side with Azkadillia here and say Janice Dickinson. She came into the smoothie store I worked at and told me I was sweeping poorly and told my friend to get a manicure.
Also I once waitressed for like a month in an Indian food restaurant, but I quit because the boss kept blaming me for chipping the cheap plates he bought even though it was the customers' doing, and then he got mad at me for speaking French with a customer... He may also be my arch-nemesis.
Or wait, no, my arch-nemesis is my ex-roommate, who's poorly trained dog broke into my dog's food in a sealed bag in the cupboard, ate a ton of it, and then shit all over the house. My roommate's response was to threaten to sue me for damages two months later.
Let's just say that there is a whole team of super-villains out there waiting to be disposed of!
Your roommate, on the other hand, sounds wonderful. And I'm sure that the other tiny roommate, who you are expecting soon, will be even better! Just minus the boozing and with more boobie action.
Also I once waitressed for like a month in an Indian food restaurant, but I quit because the boss kept blaming me for chipping the cheap plates he bought even though it was the customers' doing, and then he got mad at me for speaking French with a customer... He may also be my arch-nemesis.
Or wait, no, my arch-nemesis is my ex-roommate, who's poorly trained dog broke into my dog's food in a sealed bag in the cupboard, ate a ton of it, and then shit all over the house. My roommate's response was to threaten to sue me for damages two months later.

Let's just say that there is a whole team of super-villains out there waiting to be disposed of!
Your roommate, on the other hand, sounds wonderful. And I'm sure that the other tiny roommate, who you are expecting soon, will be even better! Just minus the boozing and with more boobie action.