So I'm moving down to New Orleans within the next few months. The pole and aerial fitness company I work for is letting me open up a studio in the Awakenings name right in the heart of New Orleans. Right now I am in the process of selling my house and packing up my stuff and all that other fun moving stuff. ;)
Hoping to...
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I recently adopted a new bunny to add to my bunny collection. (I currently have two other bunnies that I rescued last year.)
This is Pancake!
He is so tiny and cute. :)
I am really loving having pet bunnies. To be honest, they were definitely a pet I had never before considered. I never knew how easy they are to train and how affectionate
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I recently uploaded some new videos to Youtube.
On my Facebook I had posted this pic of an apron dress I made from a large men's tee:
Everyone wanted to know how I made it so I put together this vid on YouTube:
And for those of you who aren't super crafty and aren't really in to the whole apron dress look...I also uploaded a
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Chris Carroll from Studio CMC makes these amazing fantasy images that I must share with you all. I had the honor of being involved in some of his latest projects.
Read More site is different.
Oh my gosh, I am so old. It is going to take me awhile to figure this stuff out so please be patient. If only you guys knew what the site looked like when I joined back in 2004!
Anyway, I will get the hang of NEW SG eventually, so for now, let's look at pictures!! Yay!
This is what I...
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Gosh, my life has been so busy the past few months. I have been really sucking at the whole social networking thing.
Last month I was out in San Francisco to visit one of my closest friends, Bob. She had just finished college and I wanted to take advantage of her brief period of free time.
We relaxed, drank tea, assembled a...
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I had two hip-hop dance numbers, a pole routine, and an aerial sling duet...all in the span of about an hour or so.
It was not easy but I did it.

Okay, so now that it is all over with, I can post some of my practice vids so that you guys can also...
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