I'm not even close to being sleepy yet so I'm planning on staying awake as long as I possibly can tonight. When I wake up I'm going to a Birthday lunch with my mom and my aunt. My bf says he has a surprise planned for me, no idea what it might be. Then going to the Denver bars afterwards... Read More
ONE MORE YEAR closer to being a quarter of a century old. Whoooo-weee!
I have no idea what I'm going to do yet, hopefully something super fun. ^,^
Even updated my wishlist!
Time For Celebrations.
Because It's Your Birthday.
Hope you have a Great Day.
And I Wish You Many More Birthdays --- Filled With Love, Happiness and Joy.
And of Course... Fun.
Hi SG!
I'm home sick today.
Who gets a cold during the summer?! Honestly. This is ridiculous.
I plan on staying in bed all day today and watching a plethora of fabulous movies. I started with "The Lorax" this morning. Loved it! Really wasn't expecting it to be as entertaining as it is.
Anyone have any good recommendations? I only have Netflix so if you... Read More
Your not the only one who gets a cold in summer been suffering with 1 for a week or so. Hope you feel better soon, its just the weather here atm
As for Netflix its just generally the UK ain't got the infrastructure. We use Lovefilm we can only do the standard picture when we stream films if high quality it is unwatchable. Unless you live in the big cities and use a good provider you will have troubles
I like the photos btw they are really good I like how you have got a good amount of light into them to show off your pretty features.
Hope you feel better soon, wrap up warm thats what I am doing
Brazil is pretty far away! Haha.
An online donation would be much appreciated just go Here and click on aurora victim relief fund.
Thank you so much for your kindness and support!
Hey SG!
I have some good news and some bad news. I'll share the bad news first so that you will be excited by the end of the blog from the good news.
Bad News:
On Saturday, May 26th, I got into an accident involving a motorcycle and a car. I was hosting a memorial day bbq at my house with a few friends. The... Read More
ohmy gosh lady!!!! that's crazy!!! i'm glad you're okay!
i just looked through the member review queue trying to see when your set was going up and then i realized it was UP!!
It's beautiful!! lovvve it!!
feel better.
glad i got to shoot you before you got all fucked up! hahahaha