- on jmann81's post on reallifepirate's page
- on sarissle's post on reallifepirate's page
- on bryenl's post on reallifepirate's page
- on reallifepirate's photo
- on soraiya's post on reallifepirate's page
- on effincee's post on reallifepirate's page
Something you wish you'd learnt sooner?
Well so many things come to mind!
Makeup, being comfortable in your own skin. And a few more,
I love this topic, don't get me wrong I've loved my journey to learning all of these things, going out with terrible makeup, although it's hilarious to look back on now, it definitely should've been a crime at the time.
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I love cosplay!
So I'm wondering if any of you do?
Either your favourite cosplayer or if you've cosplayed yourself! ☺️
Here's my recent catwoman outfit, just need to do makeup and hair too 🙈☺️
I recently started to design and make some clothing!
So I was wondering if any of you have any creative things you've done you'd like to share?! ☺️
I'm a huge art and design, crafty fan! ❤️
Here's a peak into what I've been making! ☺️💞
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