Very quick blog! I have so much things to do today so it's mainly pictures. Not really intellectual. Have I already done something intellectual here? I think not.
I'm a crazy plant lady and my bedroom is lovely in the morning. So much light. (the pictures actually depreciate it but I don't have the time to make... Read More
The goblin shark somehow reminded me of mantis shrimp. Strange creatures they be. I always thought jumping sticks looked a bit funny. Sadly, I've never seen one in person.
On a side note, I like the first two pictures of your "Crappy teenage webcam pics." The facial expressions, oh gosh. They amuse me so. As well as the cat just staring. What is his/her name?
So as I told in my previous post, I keep repeating "when I finish my work". I am now just living in the next future.
I should go back to life in three weeks. Meanwhile, I'm working on the same project for one year (it stopped several times) this time it comes to its end and it's relieving but I'm really pissed off. Also I'm... Read More
You should come to Scotland with Dwam, GoGo and Lass and I at the end of the summer or something. I think we're going to try. I love all the pictures of you!
(rhoo j'ai vu ton message. Bon l j'suis claque mais en gros je rpondrai "ouais moi aussi et non on compte pas rester Paris ad vitam. on vise l'angleterre, la finlande, " et heu sinon je suis MORTE et j'envoie mon cv un mec important avant de m'crouler devant un DrWho. Une vraie rponse demain au ptit dej...)
I've scuba-ed with Humpbacks... it's one of the most amazing things you can experience.