Surreal is a very interesting comment. Why you might ask? If you watch the news and after seeing any huge horrible event no doubt some jerky that was there will say "THE WHOLE THING WAS VERY SURREAL" "or its very surreal" The reporter will be like can you tell me what it was like to be nearly eaten alive by a vicious killer whale moments after your airplane blew up and you barely survived with your life... and the response it was very surreal.
I myself would expect something like well first I felt the heat melt my favorite pair of nikings and thought fuck this is bullshit! then I thought oh my god iam going to die so I started to pray then as I hit the water I felt the shark nip at my fire enguled shoes but luckly the fishing boat saved my ass so my official comment is "today was a good day"

Where on earth have you been hiding?