The Disciplinarian

Or the one being disciplined:

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Oh  my

I am a horror movie junkie. Life is super hectic, and I barely have time to consume any film or television, but when I DO get the opportunity, it's always horror.

What is your favourite horror movie, or franchise??

Are there any horror flicks that have come out in the past couple years that really stood out to you??

In the fall I watched a
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We can agree to disagree on the Rob Zombie Halloween movies. But I have to agree that Dream Warriors is definitely the best of the Elm St. movies.
Tagging in late. Original Halloween movies always clutch to me. The Rob Zombie remakes are a bit too much brutality show than imply. Things like The Shining and Psycho are just blah blah standards as far as I am concerned. Do I love them? Yeah! But they are so staple that I've sutured my horror fixation on them too much to count. Now. Videodrome is .. chef's kiss. That is a movie that will sicken me to no ends and I'll always knee jerk back to it. Granted, these are oldies but goodies. For new stuff that cracks the molds and does some fun stuff? I'll go with Peele's movies. Get Out and Us were simply fantastic twists on the tropes. The shift away from the slasher and body-horror commonality and more into the psychological mess of horror. That said, don't get me wrong, the staples are called that for a reason! Halloween, Halloween 2, Friday the 13th, and lord forbid a great mention doesn't go to Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the original. Remakes have their place, I won't deny that. But they tend to bend straight into the body-horror and go after showing us exactly the things that the originals implied. Just because you can do it now doesn't mean you should. After all, greatest aspect of Leather-Face was the fact that in the original the only person we saw him chain-saw into was himself while climbing over a fence. What we create in our imagination in horror tends to beat what can be shown, which is where I find body-horror interesting on a theoretical level but less interesting on an execution? Sorry, rant over. I just love horror!

WELL HELLO THERE 😃 Don't you love how I just swing by every few years to remind all you lovely humans that I'm not dead? Well it's that time again! Hurray! Biggest news in my life right now?? I *finally* joined OnlyFans. onlyfans.com/nymph.doesnt.love.you I post multiple nudes every day, and shoot a lil bit of everything... stripping, teasing, hardcore anal with toys, and SO. MUCH. SQUIRTING. Seriously. Like, you'll wonder how I'm not constantly dehydrated. Anywho, if you see this post, and sub to my site, send me the code OLDSCHOOLSG, and I'll send you a POV face-sitting video. 💦😉 See you there!! 😘😈 -nymph xo

Still as sexy as ever! 😍
Hey sweetie, it's good to see you popping up again. I have by no means forgotten about you. Meeting you at the event a while back and seeing that your life was good still makes me happy. It's a special moment that I can never forget. ❤️

Oh hey there, pals!

Long time no chat!

I don't frequent the SG site too often anymore, cause my old ass has a hard time navigating the layout (seriously stunted in the tech-savy deparent), but I am still getting naked on camera, and posting stuff daily on insta.

Come see what I'm up to HERE!

Here's a lil taste...

Hope to you you beauties there!!
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You Look Lovely, Stunning, Amazing and Beautiful. Love with Many Kisses and Bunch of Hugs.
Absolute amazing photos! <3 <3 <3