☕️🚿💧💦The best way to wake up! Here's kinda sorta a #sghwetwednesday with @frank_bod coffee scrub Apr 29, 2015 14 Facebook Tweet Email
🎉🎈Woot!! Just got a bunch of new pictures back, so here's a #SGHsundies in celebration!🎈🎉 #hope Apr 26, 2015 21 Facebook Tweet Email freakme: ❤♡❤~seXy!~❤♡❤ May 8, 2015
Siting in the car #selfie on a rainy Portland afternoon, could be worse.#portland #piercedgirls #pu Feb 25, 2015 16 Facebook Tweet Email legman: well, yeah. you could be in New Jersey! Feb 25, 2015 libris: If I had to live in the states Portland would be my first choice. I love that city. Feb 26, 2015
Who doesn't love strategically placed photos? #sghopefuls #sgh #purplehair #purplehair #instababe # Feb 23, 2015 22 Facebook Tweet Email
#selfiesatirday from another day, when I didn't feel like a bump in a log. Plus hair was cooperatin Jan 24, 2015 15 Facebook Tweet Email
👽 :> #seeingdouble #girlswithtattoos #girlswithpiercings #sgh #suicidegirlhopeful #quartz #photofu Jan 12, 2015 12 Facebook Tweet Email
Beep boop. I haven't posted in a while, and for that I'm sorry. So here's a butt #selfie for #sghsu Jan 11, 2015 17 Facebook Tweet Email jozsef: Oh, very good, thank you! Jan 11, 2015 klausbuben: *crush* Sep 23, 2015
Sleepy selfie Saturday, with new and improved natural light! P.s follow me on tumblr 4 butzz. --> m Dec 13, 2014 9 Facebook Tweet Email
PAOWAR SNACK! .almond milk .chia seeds .peanut-butter powder .maca powder .raw protein powder Mmmh Dec 11, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email