I am better than I was. I'll be better than I am. #cozyfridy #suicidegirls Dec 19, 2014 71 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS s1l3nt: such a babe Dec 20, 2014 mrlopezart: Wowaowowa I want May 1, 2015
Remember that I have shown you....a newer version of hungry #(moan) #suicidegirls Dec 17, 2014 65 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS man_of_grogg: such beauty! Dec 17, 2014 twolve66: So gorgeous!! Dec 17, 2014
#soulsisters Dec 15, 2014 24 Facebook Tweet Email dogpatch: Hey sister, soul sister. (man I am on a Honorable roll tonight....don't worry it wasn't just you ...) Jan 6, 2015
She slept with the wolves without fear for the wolves knew a lion was among them. #suicidegirls @su Dec 14, 2014 72 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS kendrick_67: Amazing Dec 14, 2014 dirtygreen: I wanna see all your photo shoots Dec 16, 2014
It's impossible to gaze at the depth of the night sky and not allow it's arms to caress you to slee Dec 14, 2014 29 Facebook Tweet Email
Bask in the moonlight my friends...sometimes the wolves are silent and the moon is howling. Dec 12, 2014 67 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS sirfallsalot: Can't listen to Black Sabbath without thinking of you. Wish I could relive BHB Dec 12, 2014 bloodymongoose: Very nice indeed. Dec 13, 2014
I've got a few surprises for 2015.... @sunniesunshine is a beautiful person, great photographer and Dec 12, 2014 42 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS jmccarthy1701: Good golly Dec 13, 2014 pharleyquinn: Totaly beautiful 💖🙏 Dec 21, 2014
Surviving is important but thriving is elegant. #warmwinter #beyourbestselfie #suicidegirls @suicid Dec 11, 2014 52 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS fnight: Major hottie Dec 11, 2014 superbob7: such a presence, no matter what the picture Dec 12, 2014
I must confess...every time I look at the stars I can't help but dream. #suicidegirls @suicidegirls Dec 10, 2014 14 Facebook Tweet Email
Happy Monday. @venuslovesyou @sunniesunshine @sgblackheartburlesque @suicidegirls Dec 9, 2014 24 Facebook Tweet Email s1l3nt: that has to be the most awesome thing ever! because beewbs :D Dec 9, 2014
Let's call this one.... "Paradigm of Dreams" 📷@sunniesunshine Dec 8, 2014 25 Facebook Tweet Email countryval: Love it great photo Dec 8, 2014
If you look closely, that is indeed a dick ring. @tumblinw33d gave it to me as a seal of our friend Sep 26, 2014 92 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS robertbluesman: mmm... tastes like _________ ! <3 Oct 13, 2014 devilbaby: Meow Lioness Your such a Gorgeous seXy BaBe with caT liKe qualities ;) xoxoxoxxo Nov 28, 2014