14 days till i finish school!
well, officially that is, i have few exams and papers to submit, but we will ignore that for now and concentrate on the fact that...
! graduate in 14 daysssssssssssssssssss
that festival was crazy, met some cool artists and some asses as well.
I'm studing Materials engeneering and physics too much science in my little head.
It's natural for big changes to be scary, but the way to look at it is even if you try something you end up not liking, that's a valuable experience that will help guide you to a better future.
Sweet Zion.
Hypocrisy aside, I do believe in the necessity of a Jewish state. Unfortunately, the whole purpose of its creation was to give our people a place where they can feel safe ...
I have mixed feelings on the country's politics, but I'm glad that Israel exists as it does.
I almost got in a fight today because some one was complaining that a store was closed for yom atzmaut...... I told him to have some fucking respect for some fallen soldiers.
It just got me really pissed
Hey Katya, it is good to hear from you. For a moment, I thought that everyone had dropped off the face of the Earth. Wait, I think this because maybe because I have not been very good at keeping in touch with everyone lately. "Start Wearing Purple" sounds interesting, but I have to admit that is not a song that I would obsess over...
I have to admit that lately I would obsess over songs like "Born This Way" or "Judas." And yes it is true... I am a big time Lady Gaga fan!!!!