It's been a minute! And by a minute, I mean several years. Last time I was online was 2018! So I just wanted to update you briefly on where I am now, and everything that happened in between.
It's 2024: I live in Austin TX, own a ranch, and run a nonprofit rescue that saves shelter dogs from euthanasia. I eloped with BradBuilds and we've
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That's marvelous! I had originally hoped to learn about your adventures with violin and writing but this is all certainly very nice. Such passion and dedication are very uplifting and inspiring to encounter. I do hope that before 2030 you will update us again. I would love to know more of what you've been up to. 😊
As compassionate and kindred as you are beautiful and sexy... I applaud and commend you on your resourcefulness, Lady @hopeless. Thank you for enlightening me/us on what you're "up to" these days. And I wish you further success on your endeavor(s). And... Thank you so much for your dedicated efforts. You ROCK, Your Ladyship.