Do you?? We shoot this set a couple years ago with @talena in Buenos Aires. We called it Inmoral. It's a shame that we coudn't work together again. She is such a sweetheart!
Anyway... today i have a new set in Member Review by @frani who needs just a little bit more love!
Daylight Drops Hope you like it!
xox D!
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So, this week homework from @missy and @rambo is 10 random thing about me, so here we go!
1: I am an avid reader. I read 50 books in three years and counting!
2: I'm a Game og Thrones fan!
3: I live by myself and im very proud of that.
4: I repeated 8th grade three times!
5: My grandma knows im an SG!...
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So! Missy ask us about our fist tattoo, first tatto was at the age of 18 (like a whole responsible girl) and it was a little letter "Z" in my wrist!
Can you see it!?
Hahaha i'ts been a while my friends... i have been passing through A LOT!
First of single now!

Buuu for me!
Im living by myself, i have a new work, so that's the good part!
But here are some VERY GOOD NEWS!
Three photographers from the site are coming to Buenos Aires to shoot here! So i am so...
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