Hey lovers!
I wanted to give you guys a list of the bookmarks I have that make using SG a breeze!
- Here's a link to bookmark if you just want to see all the recent blogs of the people you're following. Sometimes it's nice to skip over the Instagram posts you've already seen. I use this feature ALL the time. I love reading
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So I was doing a bit of number crunching today, looking at the Aussie sets that I've seen do really well on SG. This all started with the question in the 'top 5' group: if I could have any 5 hopefuls go pink... who would they be? And I think this little study has helped me answer that question a bit. Emotions tend to get...
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So I moved house! It's finally happened! Home ownership has been such a huge goal for me for so many years now. I've been working steadily towards it for so so long. And, although I'll be paying off this mortgage for a very very long time, I can finally say I own my home. Not that it doesn't have it's downsides. The day after I
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I've been doing a bit of a clean-up of my life both online and out in the real world. I'm moving house soon and it's springtime here, so garbage bags filled with old shit are everywhere. It feels right. I was reading an article on the (freshly launched) Huffpost Australia that talked about how minimalist aesthetic is pretty big right now because it's an antidote
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I'm so busy I barely have time to think.
Moving soon, the ball in Melbourne is sooner, I have so much going on with work plus my own shit going on. I've not had time to look at facebook in weeks. Even longer since I came on here. So here's a pic or two that I posted on Instagram in idle moments. That'll have to
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First up congrats once again to @aubrey for becoming a Suicidegirl! She had the genius idea of throwing a party to celebrate her new pinkness, so celebrate we did! It's not every day we get a new SG in our ranks, after all. Pictured above is @verde_ me @dollyd and @aubrey out to dinner! We had some more ragamuffins come along too, but they left
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