I'm sure that Gilded and Maybe Ill Catch Fire will become official soon. And its good to hear taht you had a great weekend. So I hope the whole week will be great.
I finally got a computer and the internet at my new place!
I am so slow moving!
Its been such a long and expensive and drawn out process.
These past few months have been INSANE!
I wish i had some help!
I need a sugar daddy hahahahaha!
I wish my sets would get bought : (
I really like them.
I dont think the people at SG like me very much : ( they havent bought anything from me lately : ( that makes me sad i really liked all my recent sets! oh well maybe theyll pick them up later!! i know things are rough right now, im sure theyre going through it as well!
I have to drive to vegas today for court... Read More
It is total blasphemy that they havent bought any of your sets! They are all my favorites on SG, hands down. And goodluck finding a new job, you deserve better!
OMG!!!!!!! I just moved and havent had a computer to use! I have a new set and i am seeing it for the first time now ahhhhh hahaha! i hope everyone loves it! Zoetica is awesome and we had so much fun!!! im going to go look at me naked!