- on xheartswornx's blog post
- on ropers71's blog post
- on poshallen's post on calla's page
- on Hopefuls who have turned pink! in sg hopefuls
- on calla's photo
- on ropers71's blog post
So yanno... just casually sitting here signing up for my best-buy credit card online account. & I got an email saying that I went pink. It's funny because ever since I was 21 I wanted to be apart of this community. I always thought that a woman that was confident enough in themselves to rock their own look, and still be able to be an
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PHOTO: @zen
I get asked a lot "Which tattoo is you favorite?" It's probably one of the hardest questions to answer. I mean look at me I'm covered, so I would hope I like most of them.. I figured I would give a little background about my tattoos, or at least some of my favorites. But before I do....
Things to NEVER say to a
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I honestly can't keep up with all the activity on my set! So I figured it would mean just as much if me and my dog said thank you :D
I'm super pumped! But I need your help lets show it as much love as you think it deserves! & PINKKKKKKK pahhleassee. Btw I love this photo of me :)