@elixic I like herbal or flowers tea! π» I like to drink some more relaxing to help to sleep.
Being English, Tea and Beer. Tea has to be VERY strong, with a hint of milk and a bit of sugar to counter the tannins. Same goes for Earl Grey. Beer - no fizzy piss in cans, I'm afraid. Adnam's (Eastern England brewery) 'Ghost Ship' and 'Sea Fog' from the keg. I like Gin, too, and Adnam's make that, too. Their bog standard 'Copper House' is superb, but their 'Orange and Sea Buckthorn' Gin is ridiculously moreish. James May from 'Top Gear' makes his own Gin, and it's astonishingly good - his 'Asian Parsnip' will make you very happy indeed, especially the 57% 'Navy Strength' version. His newer 'American Mustard' Gin is incredibly nice.Β "If I had all the money I'd spent on drink - I'd spend it on drink." - Sir Henry Rawlinson (Trevor Howard), in the 1980 film 'Sir Henry At Rawlinson End'.