SG Since 2009

"Scar tissue that I wish you saw"


Here it is, my big secret that I choose to no longer hide, I hate feeling vulnerable but fuck, it has been long enough. Do you have any scars? And what story do they tell. If you would like to know mine🌊🦈 shoot me a message and we can exchange war stories . Hope it isn't off putting, 😊 then again 😈 what do I care 😘-Aleon πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ’œ

Scars tell of battles fought and won. I have a scar shaped like a small checkmark in the upper outside corner of my left eye. A big dog swiped at me with his paw when I was 5. A couple of millimeters lower and I'd have lost that eye. It's not a big scar but everyone I meet notices it right away.
I have one on my knee from when I landed on a sharp rock knees first.Β  I got a really good view of my kneecap before it got stitched up.Β  A few scars on my back from scoliosis surgery when I was 7.Β  That left a pretty big mark.Β  I started a thread on scars a number of years ago.Β  I'll see if I can find it.
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