My lil nerdy ass stayed home playing video games and was doodling some pictchas
NO new years kiss...fuggit hahaha
Unfortunately my phone just bit the dust tonight
Hopefully when I go to the Sprint store tomorrow they will take care of me... even
though I have been burned by their customer service before..le sigh *crossing fingers*
I don't know how you feel about it, but I think staying in can be equally nice at times. Too bad about the kiss though, you certainly deserved one. Happy New Year though. I'm sure there will be lots of kisses coming your way this year.
not really...I'm not a very festive holiday girl haha
plus it nasty outside with this barely freezing drizzling weather boooooo
how's everyone christmas going?
Well I hope you have a space heater!?!
Thanks and I sure will as I've been away but am back and got a good new art easil so expect more art from me .
Stay warm and have a happy new week ok!!