From slim80


I see you had a good catch up with SG, thank you for flooding my news feed with your gorgeous face haha <3

$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


Sei meravigliosa🌹

$2.00 Tip From dhyani


Every set from you is is an exercise in receiving joy and beauty! It’s so wonderful to see you on the FP again! 💗💜🖤🤗💋

$15.00 Tip From nlough


Congrats on making the front page again, Akiramai. I am truly amazed by your work and always left in awe of your beauty. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait for your next set.

$10.00 Tip From Anonymous


Keep up the great work!

$10.00 Tip From ropers71


Best Homework Blog ever ~ Everyone should read this ~ its so heartfelt and amazing ~ if your eyes don't well up and begin to tear a bit ~ you probably are not human ~ to speak with such honesty and openness shows a tremendous amount of strength ~ much love Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


$2.00 Tip From Anonymous



Are you an Aussie living in BC? I'm in Australia but lived in Vancouver for 5 years between '83-'89 and still have family there. Hope you're enjoying BC, it is a beautiful place!

I sure am! Oh wow! I moved to BC 5 months ago but I'm currently living in Whistler for the winter season! It's so beautiful <3
Nice :) Sounds great, I usually visit in summer time there when I go back to see family and even in summer Whistler is a cool place to hang out. Enjoy!

$5.00 Tip From Anonymous


$1.00 Tip From Anonymous
