"'Why, look,' said Neville, 'at the clock ticking on the mantelpiece? Time passes, yes. And we grow old. But to sit with you, alone with you, here in London, in this firelit room, you there, I here, is all. The world ransacked to its uttermost ends, and all its heights stripped and gathered of their flowers, holds no more. Look at the firelight running up...
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'For one day as I leant over a gate that led into a field, the rhythm stopped; the rhymes and the hummings, the nonsense and the poetry. A space was cleared in my mind. I saw through the thick leaves of habit. Leaning over the gate I regretted so much litter, so much unaccomplishment and separation, for one cannot cross London to see a friend,...
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Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates.
At the first gate, ask yourself, ‘Is it true?’
At the second ask, ‘Is it necessary?’
At the third gate ask ‘Is it kind?
- Sufi Saying
The quote above doesn't really relate to this journal, I just came across it today and liked it very much. It does make me feel that nothing I'm...
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Hope you're doing fine AnnaLee!
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Love your new set!!!
Great new set, congrats! I hope your doing well!
Sorry, I'm pretty much in hibernation. My new job keeps me very busy! My computer broke ages ago and so I used my mums to update things on here but it broke too! So I'm not very internet connected at the moment. She might get hers fixed though. Then I will try to write something proper. Or maybe I will get a new...
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youre so pretty and i love you like 856875673859769387 times more now n_n