With your love of Poetics, I would think that you are familiar with Richard Thompsons body of work. I've like him ever since Fairport Convention. Among the top songs of his I like is "Vincent Black Lightening 1952". I think that you might find a Set idea from the lines: "I've seen you on the corners and cafes it seems, red hair and black leather my favorite color scheme". And: "I see angels on aerials in leather and chrome...". Two of the covers of it I like are: Mary Lou Lord- she did a busker version in the Boston tube stations. Red Molly ( I wonder where they got their name)- a 3 women trio, mainly bluegrass style. But I was surprised at how many people have covered it ( youtube browsing) and all make it their own. Stay excellent, which ever way you use the concept.

Yeah he's a great guy, I've actually seen him doing live solo stuff with my dad a few times :-)

From rouxxe


Hi sweet babe ❤ I invite you to see my profile 😊 you are very welcome! My debut set is on MR ❤ hope you like Kisses&Love 😘💜😘💜😘💜

From lucerne


Thank you for the sweet comment on my set - I hate my smile so it's always nice when someone appreciates it <3

you're nuts, you have a great smile :)

Without sounding like a parrot of every other person on here, I love the sound of your voice. It's musical and lilting, and, ironically, almost exactly as I would have expected to sound--delicate. Congratulations on the set going live. Your blogs are a joy to read.


Hi, congratulations on another Front Page!! very well deserved, would love to collaborate on a set with you sometime in 2015 if you were interested in working together, I'm based in Edinburgh but travel all over Scotland and England to shoot. hope you had a great Xmas and New Year!


Hello from the States! I wanted to tell you that I'm a huge fan of yours. I love your pictures and I think your bird tattoo is awesome. Here's hoping you have an wonderful new year!

From lucerne


I enjoyed having such a fun shot in the set! Thank you <3

And I love the details so much. Thank you for the compliments. I'm really proud of this set <3

From suispud1


Given the regal bearing of your countenance, I suspect in the ancient times you would be a court favorite, adored by king and commoner alike. 


I was cruising around trying to find who had "The Alchemist" on their book list to thank them for reminding me that I wanted to read it when I noticed Black Sabbath and Sleep on your music list and thought if you hadn't given them a listen you may enjoy Om (post Sleep band). Still not sure where the alchemist tip came from

I do indeed like Om! Before they redesigned the site I had this amazing list of about 200 bands but it got lost in the flood and I never could be bothered to type it all out again! It would be cool to see it again to remind me!

hey you! it´s been a long long time since i last got into the sg site. i've missed you since you seem to desapeared from twitter and instagram. anyways i just whanted to say hey.

From ruger018


Been a while since I've seen a woman that leaves me speechless. Not very often you see a woman who's face just brings up your spirit. 

That's a lovely compliment, we could all do without spirits lifted!