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pnp rpgs

When the only thing deciding life and death is a roll of the dice ... When what stands between you and your life's goal is a twelve foot tall black dragon ... When you feel the only way to get your way is through Dominate ... When you need to …

Threads (7195)View All


How many people out there know chicks above 6 feet in height? Is it comman at all? Is there like a secret local where they all hang out? I must know ! For I am tired of chicks that are barely up to my nipples. I want to start meeting …


oninotaki said:

Yes it is, I find that I slouch(sp?) a lot because of it

i slouch a lot too.
but i've noticed... i'm afraid of people that are noticably taller than me. no used to looking up to see people and it freaks me out.


PyroErotica said:
I'm 5'10", but I have several pairs of shoes that make me over 6' tall.

dear lord, i didn't even pay attention, but you are tall... *wanders off to chase squirrels* neat-o! but that's maybe because almost everyone looks tall to me.

Cast of GIANTS!

Group Thread in Television

So out of random curiosity (also, I was watching Chuck) I looked up how tall Adam Baldwin was. Turns out he's 6'4". I went ahead and looked up the rest of the major actors in Flrefly and everyone is SO TALL! What's up with that?

Only one girl is under …

It must be different in Australia. I'm considered average and definitely not "tall" and I'm about 5'8". Most guys are 5'10" or more. Over 6'3" is very tall, though.
im 5'3" at best...
the world pretty much towers over me.

My girlfriend is tall, she almost 6' 2" and I'd like to get some cute leggings or thigh highs but not spend to much. If you have any suggestions of websites I can order neat, warm, or fun stuff like this that Will fit and not stretch out because she's …


Id recommend hot topic.. they usually have sizes in things most people only have one size fits all items (I know they have sized body suits, but idk about leggings) Id check online, if youre willing to shop online you can almost always find any thing!

A joke

Group Thread in lifestyle

a tall guy and a short guy are walking and they see 2 idiots guys on a bridge, the tall guy says let's have some fun with these idiots, so they walk over to them and the tall guy says, he you know that the wind at this bridge was …

I'm pretty sure lindex nailed it... I just wanna know who the short guy is.

[Edited on May 04, 2003 by ticktock]
uhhh.....midget robin?

Blogs (7632)View All

Carlos Cortez

Long ago before the god of the Blue Eyes
Was known by the Tribe,
The Tribe knew many Gods and Spirits:
Earth Spirit, Water Spirit, Sky Spirit, Corn Spirit,
Buffalo Spirit, Fish Spirit, Moon Princess, and many others
Who were believed in and loved by the Tribe.
Only one spirit was feared, and that was the Disease-Giver,
Who terrorized...
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MWA HA HA! I'm 50 feet tall and nobody's gonna stop me!

See that car in my hand? That's YOUR car, buddy! Don't worry, I won't eat you if you'll be kind enough to give me a 50 foot tall dark choco Bon Bon. Or a 50 foot tall block of fried tofu. Mmmmmm-MMMM!!!!
The Talls

The Talls were always so full of sound. Creeper had known it always to be so, since Mother had shown him what to eat and what not to eat, where to sleep and where not to sleep, and on. The Talls were always full of smells too. Usually the smells revealed good things to eat, or bad things to be avoided. He'd lived...
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