Threads (1)


Hey my fellow photographer hopefuls. kiss Here is a thread of the sets that I have shot for SG so far smile

I've been an SG photographer hopeful since I joined SG in 2005 biggrin and I assisted/apprenticed/worked with Alissa for my first 6 years on SG, but I finally decided to shoot …


@sunshine are you still in PDX? This is a shot in the dark considering this post hasn't had attention for a bit lol.


Amazing one with @cheshire_ 💜💜💜

Blogs (4)

I have officially been traveling for 20 days to shoot SG sets and hang out with the girls who I've met over the past 6 years through this amazing site.

7 days in Portland, 6 in LA, 5 in Mammoth, CA, and 2 in NY (so far).... AND I still have 5 days left in NY and 5 in San Francisco before I'll head home!...
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I am WAY overdue on updating you on my adventures and showing you some new photos of beautiful girls biggrin

I updated when I had just finished my summer travel, and the year in California and I had only been back in Ohio for a week, and NOW I have been back for 3 it is definitely time for an update. A LOT has happened...
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I love this freaking website!! I have had the most amazing year living on and traveling the west coast! i have seen so many new cities and places and met so many awesome girls... and I've been working on this blog since August, so sorry it's soooo long and full of awesome pictures smile

I have been a busy little bee...traveling and shooting, non-stop, trying to...
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My birthday is this week!! April 4th woot woot! It is my last year in my 30s and I couldn't be more excited about this bday. I just LOVE my birthday! The feeling of having one more year of experience and memories to call mine. Another new beginning to set new goals and experience new things. Absolutely nothing about aging bothers me. Things just make...
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