Retail on the day after thanks giving. Insaine. any horror stories out there?
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!! biggrin
Celbrated thanksgiving with family on saturday. I like my family on short controlled bursts.
Life in retail during holiday season. What fun it is. But it is a time I actual loose weight . So much work so little time for life.
Well I'm back, After a long absent from suicide girls, it is nice to get back into a group of open minded people again.
Love ends in hate
Happiness is the absence of pain
Friends are had to avoid loneliness
We only live to experience death
It's been a long week. Smashed my finger prob loose a nail. My gal met my parents, Stress there. now i got a migrain and in a pissy mood . Life is just that enjoyable....
Got surprized by my gal last night as she brought over movies and a friend to my place. I thought I wasn't going to see her for a few days.

We also got to make f un of the godzilla vs the smog monster.
Ever go thru a fairly bad day and still be in a good mood? That's the kind of day I had.
Lazy day off of work today. Got about half of what I should have done but got everything done that I needed too.

Nice to read the responces from my post on SGTW group.

My girl is riding bike from minneapolis here today. I hope she makes that treak ok.

"Let it never be said that you anal-retentive attention to detail never yielded positive results"...
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Hello, I will have a better pic soon. first journal entry, so I'll just say this. I am looking for friends into goth punk alt lifestyle scene. I am honest and open to new ideas and thoughts. Always willing to try something once. You may have scene me at GZ dancing. I will finsh profile stuff soon

Hey lets talk people,

"there's no government like...
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