I was craving dessert tonight but sadly we were bereft of cookies and ice cream. I settled for plain yogurt with blackberries and honey mixed in. Surprisingly it was spot on the money.

And nowhere near as bad as what you were hoping for!
Sounds pretty good actually!

T'is the season in Chicago and I do not mean the warm, toasty Holiday season that it actually is. That season I like. T'is now the season of gray, rainy, dreary days. Cold windy days where the Sun never really appears. I get so bummed without the occasional spot of sunshine.


Tonight we had a chocolate-bourbon pecan pie and a traditional pumpkin pie. I also baked off the extra bits of pie crust that I sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. The smell and taste brought back so many memories of my boyhood Thanksgivings. I still miss being in the kitchen helping my mom bake pies.

Gonna put a second coat of paint on the new nursery today. The little one arrives in less than two months.
Your comment on my album cracked me up... Thanks biggrin

Congrats on the baby on the way... you must be counting down the seconds by now!
Thanks so much for the sweet comments on my set. That was so nice to hear.

Take care with that little one. smile
Last night I had a dream that the wife and I were having a four way with two Suicide Girls. Not sure which two but nonetheless it was way hot!
I approve of this blog wink
The election results are really bumming me out. I dislike what the Republicans and the teabaggers stand for. The Republicans put us in this mess yet Americans love blaming the Obama administration. It will be a sad day if the new Congress tries to repeal any advances Obama has made in the health care overhaul.
Such supportive words! I really appreciate them, and I'm also glad you're a Democrat! I love people that vote =)
Today is the most beautiful fall day here in the Midwest. Sunny, slightly breezy, warm and the feel of fall in the air. Just back from Sunday morning soccer and now off to man the pastry and cupcake tent with the wife at the farmer's market.
Been planting tulips, daffodils and crocus all week long. More to come next week.
A cold morning to start my 44th birthday. Big year this year as I will become a father at age 44. I spent 42 years as a son let's hope I can spend a good lick as a dad.
T'is the summer of tomatoes. I am putting the finishing touches on a late night gazpacho. This is about the fifth batch in the past two months. So delicious and tangy.
There's nothing quite like roasted tomatoes, eggplant and garlic. Yum.
Uhm... Looks nice.