Thank God for my mind, my brain contained in a healthy body, my free will, my insatiable sexual appetite, and the new found resolve to do something with it all.
The love is appreciated!
My cat has worms..
It sucks, because she sleeps in my bed, and I freaked out when I saw one on her and wont let her come into my room until she's been properly medicated for quite some time.
After I realized what they were, I started seeing them around.. On my floor.. near her littler box..
I did no small amount of freaking out....
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Thanks for the nice set comment.

I cracked up when I saw your profile pic. I don't know why, but it struck me as extremely funny.
holy shit you're Katinka from zoolander. the make up in some of your pics is uncanny.

yah my boy's a cute red head though. and not dirty and awkward. but he really does resemble the little weird kid.

take care of your kitty. she'll be fine soon enough.
Its not enough that Zen doesn't even do the reading for the 2 classes that she has, that I happen to know are insanely low maintenance and easy if you just do the damn reading because I have those same classes, she actually actively inhibits me from doing the reading.
I have focus issues. Call it A.D.D., whatever. I have...
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Thats so fucking shit. It's up to her if she doesn't want to do her work but its pretty shitty to stop you from doing yours? Can you listen to some music through your headphones quietly or will that distract you?
Dead for now. If I'm not doing school work, I'm thinking about how I should be.
Gym routine put on the back burner, job hunting, tattoos, long term goals.. all postponed.
Time enough for the occasional drink with friends and playing kissy face with a couple of boys.
Thats about it.
I have officially reached that stage of procrastination where I avoid doing one thing so hard that I actually start accomplishing other tasks just to get out of it.
Today I cleaned out my purse, did my makeup, dressed up a little (well, more than I would on any average errand day) took some pictures, edited and posted those pictures, wrapped up an xmas present...
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hahaha Well, despite you put off what you were supposed to do, I say you did a good job accomplishing other things. I never reached that level you have, I just usually did nothing. So good job!
Cat is being a major pain in my ass. And thighs, wrists, anywhere else she can sink her little claws.
I need to go to the gym today. I haven't been since last Wednesday.
I'm strangely irritated today and I don't know why.
One of our cats is in heat and won't shut the fuck up and is loud as hell.
Thank you for stopping by.

The adult happenings in the poem were things that were happening in my real life at the time.. (my best friend found out at 22 he had a brain tumor. It was operable, and he's fine now) so to me it never sounded forced because it was real. But from an outside perspective, I could see how it would. I appreciate your criticism and will keep it in mind in the future. Thanks again for reading and taking the time to comment!
I can't help but feel that my cat judged me all through the sex I just had.
Well, it was a good example of human mating habits, if thats what she's into.
Long, slow, a good amount of foreplay without being excessive, kissing and fondling, completely naked and finishing in missionary position.
At least I got her to stop sitting on mine or his back,...
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So Frodo is better.
It turns out, he got a hold of one or two pot cookies.
From who, you ask??
Zen! The irresponsible idiot child.
And she didn't fucking tell us!!
My mom and I are freaking out because Frodo has a history of seizures, and my mom was afraid he might have had a stroke based on how he was acting and he...
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Glad to hear your dog is ok. Too bad about your sister though. Lame.
Frodo, my 6 year old corgi, is sick.
I don't know what I'm going to do with myself if he dies.
I've had animals all my life, and I'm praying as much as a failing Catholic can that he will be alright, but I am well acquainted with the terrible truth that pets die.
Even well loved and cared for ones..
His whole body just...
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I hope soooo much that he's ok. I recently lost a pet and still feel the loss. You two are in my thoughts.
I drank a fairly large glass of a tasty red wine very quickly.. Yay!
I'm going to go take a shower before this buzz wears off.
Naked and wet and buzzed, oh my!!
Have a good time! smile
First back in a regimented classroom environment went well.
I like my psych prof, and I think I'll grow to like my English prof as well. She seems like an embittered old woman on the outside, but on the inside I suspect that she has the spirit of a weird younger woman. I like that though. It generally means a nice lame sense of humor....
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Best of luck with your classes and your running goal! wink