From tarion


thank you so much for all the art!! It's really amazing! I know Lunar is absolutely in love with hers too! I think we will have to give you a shout out or something on one of our periscope broadcasts!! It's such a weird app but pretty fun. I just wish it was easier to see all the comments and who they come from lol. Anyways just wanted to say thanks! We love you xoxoxo :) 

Thank you @Tarion! I'm glad that you like what I'm doing so that I can continue to paint my two favorite models without fearing to annoy them (oh no it's Zhimpaint again... this time he has painted us as hobbits fighting a giant duck from outer space... has he nothing else to do?)And yeah, it was my first time on periscope yesterday and I quickly realised that it was fun but really too much hectic and fast paced to really interact but it's not a problem I can still spam you here and after all I got what I was looking for: hearing the fantastic south african accent :-) (I like to hear other people accent because I have none at all when I speak english... cough cough)