That storm that came through central Virginia was crazy, but the view of the sun was stunning afterwards. So sad my phone was dead 😟

aww damn I would have liked to see pictures :o 
@caraphernelia really wish I could of, such a shame.. maybe there'll be a better time in the future! 

My woman crush Wednesday is @vaness !! So gorgeous and loved talking about that dream stuff. c: I hope we'll conversate on more stuff in the future. <3

Aw thanks hun! That's so sweet! I'm glad we had that conversation, I always love hearing the opinions of other on things like that, it's fascinating 
You're welcome @vaness ! Cheers to more things to come, and it was nice to tell about my experience c: as well read yours <3

I was not expecting that result at all... Where was Dortmund at? We just scored 8 goals a couple days ago!.. oh well good game Frankfurt totally deserved win for y'all. We'll get you next time!

Frankfurt seems to be the wrong place for BVB. Rrrrrasiert. ;-)

Man today has been crazy in all manners. First I bought a defective controller, second having problems with my parents that are so unneeded.. moving soon! I'm quite excited for that and sorta frightened somewhat. Hopefully something good comes out of all this craziness. At least there's football tomorrow, love watching such a beautiful game. I hope everyone's well and those who celebrate had a...
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Another win for Dortmund! Bayern you're off your game bruv! 1 - 0 Full time. Absolutely estatic at this point what a awesome performance. 💛❤💛❤💪


Hello everyone!

Time to not procrastinate on homework haha. These are two ways I generally enjoy doing to relieve stress!

1. Videogames - They have been very prevalent throughout my life and have become my way to deal away with stress. I usually like to get together with some friends on The Division or Destiny. We end up just messing around and having some spectacular...
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