My cold has migrated into my chest! Toooooooo much fun over the weekend... mad Definitely worth it...

Now the work week begins... Yay! frown

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she is a tiny one and I love it. Her name is Lady
I feel ya, heh. Just getting over pneumonia myself and then this morning I wake up barfing my brains out. I can't remember feeling this tired before.

Feel better soon!
I have friends visiting this weekend! Yay! Sooooo tonite I dusted of my cooking skills and made a Honey Lime glazed salmon, with a warm black bean and corn salad... Very tasty!!! BUT a weeeee bit spicy for my roomy... Too many red pepper flakes...

Sooooooooooooooooo... of to the Brass Door this evening for some more drinks (I've had a few already). And some entertainment...
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How do you get testimonials? Why don't I have testimonials? Should I have testimonials? Will you testify?

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Thanks for the advice. It was actually really helpful. I'm just one of those people who feel like they need things to change constantly to keep life exciting. I guess being comfortable really isn't such a bad thing as long as I'm happy.

+Excellent video btw. I had almost forgotten about rage against the machine.
I gave you a testimonial abuot a month ago! Did you delete it mister?!?!
I totally wiped out this morning walking to the bus stop... biggrin Feet went right over my head! blackeyed slipped on the ice and WHAM! Down like a sack of bricks... So my wrist is all bruised (prob. sprained it) and my neck and shoulders are really stiff and soar... The funniest part was, that after I finished sliding down the slight incline into the on coming...
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Awwww, I wanna laugh and say aww at the same time. Wiping out hurts like ass. It reminds me of when I worked at Timmy's amd used to push two milk crates across the tiled floor really fast toget the milk stocked - and I hit and uneven tile and flipped clear over the milk crates. heheheh..... the customer said, I saw your head, then your feet, then your head again., and then you were gone!

Things like this truly take a bit of your dignity away from you. Glad you're okay, be careful with that wrist! Is it at least getting better?

And that WOULD be the best opening ever! I'll bring the camera! I could be your own person papparozi (however you spell that absurd word anyway).
I am completely bummed out...

Yesterday a buddy of mine, a law student, came up to me and asked me if I had heard anything about a movie called Blood and Chocolate... I hadn't, but he snickered and told me I should check it out and let him know if I needed his help. I didn't get it at the time, but after watching...
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awwww.......well, in a way it's a relief! and yes, you will be a writer for the ages, and the masses will weep at your feet.

still kinda sucks though, lol. great minds think alike. wink
darling I am SOOOO sorry that happen to you, but don't give up on writting.

P.S thank you for the kind wishes
Beware the milky pirate...

Pissed myself laughing!!! Enjoy...

- Z
Snow... At last... Well not that I'm happy, I was just getting a little creeped out by the fact that it's Jan. and we've been snow barren and warm. Except for the one storm that dumped all that snow on us that is... but it was gone in a few days so it doesn't really count in my book...

Anyway, thought I'd say hello... Enjoy...
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yeah, it's been very creepy.....
Wow! I haven't posted in a while...

Well... The students come back tomorrow, which means that I will be running off my feet. That's ok though. It makes the time go faster. So the next couple of days should fly by, and then it'll be that much closer to Friday.

Next weekend... Rest and relaxation is on the agenda. Not that this weekend was overly...
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Happy Holidays everyone! Hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful time.

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same to you!
Happy New Year! ... stay alive.
Merry Yule everyone!!!!! smile

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Merry Yule to you too!!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin kiss
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Bored-Man... Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Bored-Man... KaPOW! BLAMO! Ka-Chang! BOP!!!

Vacation starts at 5:00pm tomorrow and each second is passing slower and slower... EL SUICIDO LOCO

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Don't wish it by too fast! yes, the time to vacation drags on and on, but then vacation itself flys by like ass. blackeyed

And HA! taking pictures of her doing studip things....i like that. not very profesisonal though. whatever
WOW! So what a completely weird ass weekend...

Went to Guelph for my Buddies 30th birthday and bumped into a guy I work with at the hotel we stayed at. Had an amazing meal at the Carden St. Cafe. The wine was outstanding!!! Soooooooooooo good. That's not so strange... The fact that my X-wife that I haven't seen in 8yrs came out and joined...
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I HATE it when yer so drunk you miss out on hotel sex. It's just depressing!

Congrats on the 9 months! That is AWESOME!

Sorry about your aunt though. frown No, hopefully it won't be like a weirdass House episode and they figure out what's wrong quick, and she has a speedy recovery!