Love will never be lost on me.

Life has continued to be her mysterious self.

The things that I had thought were sure shots keep missing

I just keep hoping that the my dreams get closer to coming true.

Reaching for the stars while my ass is stuck in the mud right

I'm sick and my heart hurts frown

I woke up sick this morning but trudged on anyway.

we played a show tonight and I think it went well.

there were a lot of attractive people there, but my self confidence is so fucking shot right now that i couldn't

muster much more then a hello.

The first is almost upon us. Katy is almost all moved...
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Thanks for the add.

Sounds like I caught you at a rough spot.

Your words all feel like things I've been writing lately.

You have to muscle through.

It starts to make sense again.

So I'm trying to fend off sleep
I feel as if I'm keeping the sun from coming up for all of those who are still out living.
Tonight was a good night.
I went to Monroe and watched a friend of mine play at a hookah bar.
I felt very incomplete though, I know this whole being single thing is going to take its time...
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The waters are slowly starting to settle in the middle of the malstrom
I now have a roomate who will be moving in as my old one moves out.
Kinda of a bizzar childhood game, or the rotating of a turnstile.
I know that things have far from come to peace, but for now my emotions have settled.
My cravings for attention have had their...
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So life has been full of changes, twists and turns in its everyday evolution.
I've been trying to forget that everyday brings us closer to death, or at least find some light in that.
I'm single
It still feels so odd to say that. I now notice glances more then I used to.
My heart races like its and engine and floats or falls like...
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being single can be fun although but I wouldnt want to be back there.
sorry your hurting honey...take it a step/day/moment at a time, you will make it through... you'll begin realizing the value of the ppl in your life; your family and friends....maybe dating too, being single won't eat you away, you will find your way

I hate that I only come on here to bitch and I rarely thing to post when things are going good

Needless to say things are NOT going good.

I think I was just dumped.

I wrote a large blog about it but the fucking thing is gone, story of my life right?

In the blog that is now gone, I mentioned that all...
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I had my test over the weekend and I now have my green belt smile
I have a huge blog on my myspace explaining life lately


-dan wink
thanks for the request! <3
How are you?

I've been gone for a while so I wanted to see how you were. smile
I'm trying to not be completely lame and go to bed @ 10PM right?
So far I'm completely losing this battle though, I thought that if I got on here maybe I could keep myself awake for at least another 10 minutes?

Sunday Recap:
Today was really relaxing.
Katy had the night off Saturday night so we were able to sleep together.
I really enjoy...
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actually to get it correct i think i am a bisexual pedophile...i should be proud of something like that shouldn't I?! lol
cuddling is a great things but I have two black eyes today hubby hit me in the nose last night haha.
so this one is more so a question then anything else

my gf says that she doesn't have to have sex with me because I have sg.

I guess i just don't understand, can anyone clarify?

I don't look at it in front of her, or tell her about the chicks on the site.

so basically I feel like I can't get fucked to save...
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Maybe she should become an SG.

Haha, ah. But no- she sounds insecure.
How could a girl not like SG? And saying that she doesn't have to have sex with you anymore?! Sounds like she's a lil jealous, insecure and just doesn't understand.... sucks, sorry. I'd go crazy if my husband told me he didn't like me looking at SG and said "No sex for you!"
So I went to see the new Wolverine movie yesterday.
and i promise I wont spend this whole post bitching.
Wolverine and Sabertooth were bitchin.
I also totally loved Wade Wilson, but when they turned him into Deadpool they totally fucked up.
other then that the movie was great. I'm not pissed that they didnt stick to the comics, I think that they made a...
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