So we happened upon this amazing piece of Americana somewhere in the hinterland between Minneapolis and Chicago on the way to see Desmond Dekker. Help me out here. I'm really trying to make sense of this, but everytime I look at this it makes my head hurt. What could this possibly mean (outside of the crudely obvious) and why in God's name would you put...
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I'm glad you liked the reggae mixes. You obviously know your stuff! I plan to have a lot more in the future.

The truck pic above- I think I've seen that before somewhere. I lived in Jacksonville Florida for a year and you'd see stuff like that all the time. All you can do is laugh. My all time favorite? [TAKE THEIR GAS AND NUKE THEIR ASS]. Amazing
OK, looks like I have it set up to have dinner at the club with the group owner. I hope you can get away to meet us, it should be fun.

As of right now I think I am going to drive straight into town around 3 and just leave my car there and do some shopping or something until dinner time. After I finish typing this I'll email you my phone number so you can contact me when you know what your situation is.

>No kidding. I popped over there to look into it a while back and they have all these rules that basically prevent anyone who is not already a member from joining. *shrug*

Yeah, and the funny thing is, I was a member back when I joined SG the first time and I still can't get in.

Thank you
Well, there it is. With the stroke of 4 pens I have been deemed worthy of earning PhD. Its been a long time coming and I can't help but feel a little depressed by the whole process. I supposed I should be happy, but to be honest I'm just glad its over at this point. It will probably be several weeks before I can look...
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Yeah, I've never been to a Ska show where the crowd was lousy. It makes me a little sad inside to hear of it. Sure, some have been a little too crowded to dance as freely as one would like, but nobody was jerky about it.

I've never really been into getting punched, even when I was young and angry. I usually stayed out of the heart of the "pit".

As far as Melt Banana, you can get some samples here:

Try downloading some stuff and if you dig it, I'd start with the above record first.

Thank you
thank you for commenting on my set smile
Well, its finally done. I turned in the thesis yesterday and now I can relax for a few days. Not quite a doctor yet, but soon ... and the hard part is out of the way. I wish I had something profound to say, but I've got nuthin' to offer. tongue
thanks for the kind words on my set!
xo annabelle
thank you for commenting on my set smile
So I got this email today from a new grad student in the department (who is very much a white American girl ... so this isn't a non-native speaker issue) in response to me sending her some old journal articles to help her get her project off the ground (names changed to protect the innocent, otherwise its word for word):

Re: journal articles

Thanks xcomptonx...
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thanks so much for the sweet comment on our set!!
kiss kiss
it was a blast shooting it!
Haha, thanks biggrin smile
Thanks. wink love
I hate it when brilliant people die. Too bad you can't be young forever.

*bow head*

kiss love

How are you?
I stumbled across this nice little quote on dictionary.com:

The French aviator, adventurer, and author Antoine de Saint-Exup'ery, probably best known for his classic children's book "The Little Prince", was also an aircraft designer. He gave us perhaps the best definition of engineering elegance when he said "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there...
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Thanks for commenting on my set!

>Science stuff. Making artificial arteries. Its kind of my thing. I'm excited about it and about moving back to Boston.

Yeah, my bias for Boston aside, it's a great place to be working in that type of field. I have a friend from college who is doing some kind of genetic research at Harvard.

>So what keeps you busy way out in Northhampton. That's halfway across the state, isn't it?

Yes, it is in Fascinating and Mysterious Western Mass. I grew up just south of Boston and though I was just as guilty, it always amuses me now how little anyone back there knows about the other side of the state.

What do I do? My answer depends on what mood I am in. When I am feeling uppity, I am a treasurer in a small corporation. Most of the time I am just a landlord though. My father and I have a small real estate thing going on. We have 2 mutli family properties and I am kind of like the point man in the field. All that means is, despite my multiple degrees, at the end of the day I fix toilets.

As far as recreational activities, we have a pretty decent amount of art/culture related venues out here, but we do have to head back to Boston time and again to catch some shows or what-not. If you go back to my first journal entry, you can see a scathing review of what it is like to live in the liberal freak-friendly bubble that is Northampton.

Thank you
Come on you Reds!! biggrin biggrin Liverpool beats Leverkusen 3-1 (6-2 aggregate) in Germany! Who would have thought they would come out attacking like that! Brilliant! Why can't they do that in the league?

And guess who's going to sit home while Liverpool goes on to the quarterfinals. That's right ... the Arse and ManUre! HA! biggrin

I can't believe all the Spanish teams are out. That Chelsea-Barca...
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sweet man..... thanks

i think next time im gonna let the music play and talk about the band afterwards.......

that way if people dont wanna hear me talk they dont have to.
From your last entry I get the feeling that you and I have similar outlooks on this place.

Do you dig Women's soccer? My girlfriend played for 15 years and when we were in Boston we'd go to games every once in a while. We caught the US Women's team during the World Cup back in '98. I feel about soccer the way I do about hockey - I like going to games, but I can't really get into watching them on TV.

Thank you
So ... a first journal entry ... I've been a member for a while now but never really involved myself much in the "community" of SG. Obviously, I never kept a journal and only rarely commented on sets that I really liked. I joined for the girls and that remains the main reason why I stay. But lately I've found myself poking around the forums,...
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Oh the sign totally worked. Not only did i get some panties. i got a huge bag full of man thongs. freaking man thongs. eeek Compton is an awesome middle name. We just thought the sign would be hilarious since I am extremely white.

I just happened to be surfing threads and saw your username and was like"hey compton, that awesome." So, yeah signs totally work cause the second day of parades i had one that said my first mardi gras. I got bombed with beads. It was almost to the point of being dangerous. biggrin
Hey, you saw Hepcat at the Mid East? That must have been wicked awesome. If my memory serves me correctly, that was in about '98. I didn't go because I had a full time job at the time and I wussed out. I wish I had known that a Hepcat show would become such a rarity. I did see them open for Rancid in Worcester the year before, but that was kind of a weird scene.

Ska Flames eh? How did you get involved with them?

Thank you