My little person was too busy playing with stickers to talk to me. And it kinda sucked. And his mom is an asshole. I kinda hate her. I'll try Jr. again tomorrow or the next day. I'm sure his mom will still be an asshole.
best of luck
Thanks. I'll try for tomorrow. Sometimes 3 year olds get busy. With stickers.
I need to diet. Yes. Diet. I'm happy with my weight, but I don't know how long I can live on pizza and place and bake cookies. That really is almost all I eat. I occasionally make eggs and toast. But mostly pizza and cookies. No end in sight either. I need to budget my time better. I call it convenience. Soon, I'll call it...
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Productive today? Absolutely not. Maybe I'm doomed to procrastinate my entire life away.

I do, however wonder if this is a paradoxical statement. If I procrastinated enough, wouldn't this post not exist? Not exactly productive, per se, but it is a goal of mine to recover from the drought of bloglessness. Still without it becoming a chore.

Won't do it if it feels like a...
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Beware the cynic. I think it is okay to believe. To love. Without anything to believe in, how meaningless is life? I don't know how prophetic the rantings of the intoxicated can be, but faith is important to life. I'm no philosopher, as interesting as philosophy can be, but sometimes we have to take a chance. You, we, anyone may get hurt, regardless of what...
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smile <3
Three day weekends are the cat's meow. smile

Know what isn't? Insomnia. I laid awake the other night, ended up on Craig's list and impulse bought yet another guitar. I already have the exact same one. Just the color is different. The owner has never changed the strings. He's had it for 10 years. I can see the tarnish on the G. I don't think I'll...
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Know what I don't like. Typos. I mean I guess they are fine if they can't be helped. But in the instant of discovery, they irk me. But then I forgive in the next instant. I feel like whoever it was did the best they could and bashing them for a typo isn't going to help anyone, nor is losing sleep over it.

Why the...
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Payed (paid?) on time. No late rent. I don't think my roommate would have liked it much. He IS the best roommate I've ever had. Not that I've had too many. But living with him doesn't fill me with self-loathing like some of the places I've lived. Pretty classy joint. Amazing what a difference where you live can have on your self-esteem. I feel good...
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How contrived would it be to restart my blog on the first of the year? Like a New Years Resolution? No. I'm not going to do that. I didn't do that.

What I may do, though, is pay my rent late just to spite my roommate. I wonder if that sinister smile emoticon ever came about...
I've really been hiding out hardcore from this blog. A lot going on, really. Since my last entry, I've returned to ever glorious U.S. soil. (I am aware that there are lots of people not from the States that frequent this site. Your homes are glorious, too. Leave it for 6+ months, then go back. It will feel glorious to you, too.) Wonderful place, by...
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Long travel and some comforts seeked you indeed. I hope everything is going the way you want them to my friend!
I talked to my little brother. We've decided to find Gameboys on Craig's List so we can play Pokemon together. Definitely going to be a blast. Yep. smile