Lmfao! I knew that is exactly what it was when I saw the picture! That is so damn epicly cool! I have to catch up on all your blogs. This serpent has been super busy outside of S.G. Getting back to it though!
Halloween is tomorrow! Awesome, right? 'Cept my costume has yet to arrive... I'm-- damn. It sucks because I put so much money into it and hyped the shit out of it. People really want to know and I wouldn't tell. Told them to wait until Halloween. And now I may not be able to deliver. It's going to really suck if it doesn't show. Like,...
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I really need her to remember my birthday tomorrow...

I'm not big on birthdays, but anything would mean a lot coming from her...

Always does...
The Serpent Lady did not forget about you. Happy birthday my gent.
Thank you very much! Turns out, I didn't hear anything from anyone really. Maybe only SG has the time to bother...

But, thank you.
Really been skipping out on the blog again. It isn't habitual. My time has really been getting eaten up by none other than....A haunted house! I've been working hard on a haunted house after work. Makes for an epicly long day at the office, but it is really coming together. But, on the night that we are operational, I won't be participating. I'm going to...
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Hmm.. Epic typo in my last post. In no way does the song "Ball and Chain" cheer up anyone.

I have found a nest of Dashboard Confessional fans. A friend asked to learn a song, so I spent an afternoon learning it so I could teach her. Fortunately, the song is epicly easy. She can't really play guitar at all, but I didn't mind working...
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Dashboard ... how retro! I was just listening to the Weezer song he covered so long ago ... cool.
Yeah, I'm liking this Dashboard Confessional thing. Pretty simple, pretty sweet. I have a friend that hates them, though. I really don't care what he thinks, though. I mean, he hates Foo Fighters. Who does that? I could see indifference...maybe...

But, people like Dashboard. And "Ghost of a Good Thing" is simple, people pick it up easy. I'm having a good time with the song.
Turns out, Social Distortion's Ball and Chain doesn't not in fact cheer people up. It just doesn't. Don't sing it to depressed people. It doesn't make them happy. Apparently it's kind of depressing.

Whatever. I like the damn song. Come to think of it...I like to sing it when I'm depressed...

Oh well! smile I like it!
So I stood for the national anthem at the beginning of a movie today. The word 'indoctrination' came to mind. Loyalty to country is good and all, but indoctrination had a negative connotation as I thought about it. I wondered other countries and if the Nazi party had the same thing going on. Where does loyalty to country come from? It's taught, right? Pride is...
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Everlong. I got a compliment from a Canadian brother in arms today on my acoustic Everlong. I love the song. The Foo Fighters in general. That song specifically. I worked on it a while. I want to be able to sing it and play, but the second I open my mouth, it all goes wrong. Nobody tells you that singing and playing takes some time,...
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You can always sing through your voice with your music you are making. This is why you are attached and seem to be doing well on your guitars my friend. One who plays an instrument is truly making it sing through them. Compliments arer always wonderul for the ears.. It goes even more to the extent of someone genuinely enjoying someone. Keep rocking out my friend.
I always like your comments. They are always so positive and uplifting. I look forward to them.
Sonny Chiba! I'm totally on this Shinichi Chiba thing right now. I watched "The Executioner" today. It was so pleasantly awful! I loved it! I watched it dubbed, which made it especially awful, but I could tell that even subtitled, it would have been terrible. Better, but terrible.

I just loved it though. The insipid dialogue, and half thought out scenes. Not to mention the...
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I never miss her more than when I'm laying in bed alone. Thoughts have nowhere to go. Just straight to her...
If only...
Balance would be very welcome...
I'm sure I'll be cryptically talking about her again.
Or maybe next time, pleasantly raving about her. Hoping for the latter...
wink Positivity Leads to Infinity <3
Sooo...Let's pretend I didn't just skip 5 consecutive days of blogging. That way no one asks any questions, and I don't have to make excuses. It's pretty much a win-win-and-win-some-more situation. Yes.
No worries, I have been like a bee buzzing around in the hive. Now, that I am sticky I can attach myself to blog this morning.. I am glad I finally got to blog. It sure took a while<3
I don't know why it is so hard to break the habit. I'm too busy making excuses, I suppose...
Habits are one of the most difficult challenges.. I have a habit of eating too many sweeties, though knowing the consequences, I surely will have to curb it some..