smilesmilesmilesmilesmile In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit... smilesmilesmilesmilelovelovelovekisskisskissooo aaabiggrin ---- I want a Capybara ---- Capybaras are soooo cool !!! winkwinksurreal
lol love
smilesmilesmilesmile Its a better day in every way as long I have me SG lady's ----- SG Colombia rock on ----- lovelovelovelovekisskisskisskisskissooo aaa Hats off for Talena work with Tais kisskisskisskissbiggrin ---- lot of love for Euphemia & her set Absolem kisskiss ----- surrealbiggrin --------- also don`t ever piss of those suicidegirls in Chile just look what they will do --- A 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) skeleton was found in Chile's Atacama Desert eeekeeekeeeksurreal
smilesmilesmile Yooo reality a bit off the walls today as normal I raised as much hate and discontent with the Government as I could dealing with 3rd world USA ----- I started at 8:00 AM now its 9:21 P.M. this includes SG 5 or 6 times ------- all of the things I was going to say I`m going blank on ----- I`m out of POT could...
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Flowers, cards, and candy are nice; when you name a star for...
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smilesmilesmilesmile Pia smilemy god this beautiful young lady is another prime example of the absolutely unique women of Chile ---- they are what sweet dreams are made of and a prime reason I want to live in South America epically Chile ---- Pia you are a GODESS ---- wooly !! lovelovelovekisskisskissooo aaa
Hay girls I`m on twitter ----- woolysuicide
smilesmilesmilesmile Just between you and me I think that Porcelaine by Terrox and done by Talena the team of T&T is one of the best sets ever and should be in the SG Hall of Fame ---- if SG had one like a Top Ten just saying ------ wooly !! smilesmilesmilesmilesmilebiggrin

Smart man + smart woman = romance

Smart man + dumb woman = affair

Dumb man + smart woman = marriage

Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy

Office Arithmetic:

Smart boss + smart employee = profit

Smart boss + dumb employee = production

Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion

Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime

Shopping Math:

A man will pay $2...
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So true biggrin
Brilliant! biggrin
smilesmilesmile Today Di and I went to the movies ---- Rob Zombies ---- The Lords of Salem ----- not sure yet what to think its slow at the start but picks up ---- gets really good and just when you think its going --- it ends ---- good filming good color and know I will not tell anyone about it but like Di said read the...
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smilesmilesmileshocked well another day another dollar ----- I wish it was that simple we`ll be rich ----- life is not that simple ----- its like trying to write a blog every day when your a dyslexic like me self ---- thank god for spell check even though that does not always work ----- to make matters worst living with major insomnia and have ADHD can be...
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No kidding, words of wisdom!
eeekshockedshockedshocked my god HAPPY 4/20 a big big awesome way ---- HAPPY 4/20 to all my sweet young pot smoking pleasure bent beautiful women ----- this is our day I wish you all the best, now I`m going to go and burn not 1 not 2 not 3 but as many joints as I can in honor of SG 4/20 ----- until my brain goes haywire...
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shocked My God I finely got some of my TOP TEN stuff done it only took me about ten and half years to do it damn time flies when you having fun. surrealsurreal whatever ------ I hope that all the SG Latin lovely's are having fun and behaving ---- getting ready for the upcoming event in Colombia ------ and lets face it those SG Chilean girls are off...
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smilesmilesmile I read this on a bathroom wall about 40yrs ago ---- " People who write on bathroom walls roll there shit in little balls, people who read those words of whit eat those little balls of shit." smilesmilesmilesmile
Yuck. ha ha.