Gamer Style Test

Though the test is pretty poorly written, Robin's Laws aren't bad for a general feel of what you like to do as a gamer. I'm pretty big in all areas, mostly in the butt-kicking and story-telling sides. The only side I'm NOT big on is "casual gamer," which makes a certain amount of sense because I could make a job out of...
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I've got nothing.

What've you got?
I don't know enough about spinning to know what would sound good together. But I'm DEFINETLY "where it's at".
I want to do it so the pressure isn't as pressury as you think haha.
Things have been a littie wierd up in here. I'm something in the midst of switching streams. The Shack has outlived it's usefulness and given me quite enough money.

As I'm doing that, the Shack changes so that I'm damn near essential to it's daily operation. Way to make me feel guilty....

I've got people ringing me up to offer me better opportunities than this....
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Hot damn, Mirrormask is sweet. Sweet in only the way that the bizzare alchemey that goes into that book and into the movie can be. Everything just wierdly clicks and it is some beautiful, Burtonesque work of more emotion than story.

In other news, I have rediscovered a love of the word "booty." Maybe it's just the ghetto-lite part of me. Bootybootybootybooty rockin' everywhere.

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I like that word, too!
This is mostly to remind myself but:

Limper Land
Area 51
Sanguine Oubliette
(Kinda) Nut Test

There was a great loss in the Interweb recently. These factions just may have what it takes to pick up the pieces. If the in-fighting and amazingly old private jokes don't slowly destroy them first.
thank you
I'm going to pay off college in the next two weeks.

This may involve me switching jobs, especially since my old CEO graduated with a three-year degree from a bible college rather than any kind of ACTUAL degree. I'ma beat that man. I'ma prolly quit my job 'cuz of that. I can't stand working for a company I don't believe in.

Probably means paycut, but...
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Gawd it's frigid here. -1 as the high, and I'm sayin' great!

Just like a Wisconsin Winter to wait until February to actually frost some stuff over. And a far cry from our 60-degree day a few days ago.

And it will likely be one of the last Wisc Winters I'm involved with. Because it turns out that NYC is happening this summer. Probably late...
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we need sunlight to feel good. After a long winter with only grey sky it does get depressing, it's a fact.
yes, it's hard to take the eyes of her.
FIrst of all, congrats to the STEEL besting the BIRDS. Once again proving that a broadsword will slice any monstrous predatory raptor to ribbons.

And proving that even horrible, horrible fumbles won't stop you from winning the Superbowl.

We're one step closer to Baseball Season, which will be lots of fun for my sis and I to bond. She's into it because she's a Softballaholic,...
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You know people like this, right?

People who may be demanding acceptance for the unacceptable?

Vengeance will be mine...

The Salon article is actually one of the most interesting from my perspective, because of the whole concept of intimacy as applied to an inanimate object. Intimacy is a great goal of human existence, Heirarchy-Of-Needs, even, and by projecting onto an artificial skeleton, it seems to...
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Dude, I am one of those people!

The nerds, I mean, not the silicone diddlers. wink

And that revenge thing goes a long way to explain why men love Die Hard and women tend more towards an "eh" reaction.

"Yippy-ki-yay mother-fucka!" biggrin
Part of me absolutely loathes the fact that I spent the last week engaged in Orwellian newspeak with regards to advancing up into lower management ranks for the first time evar.

I don't *like* the fact that The Shack wants to have my manbabies. But I will accept it, and milk this job for all it's worth.

Cuz let's face it, when moving to a...
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Just make sure that when you exercise caution when repurposing your paradigm. You don't wanna bust anything. wink

"Frausty Milkshakes" FTW!111!!!eleven11!!! biggrin

I knda miss WoW, except the instances. I won't invoke the dreaded name but you know why.

Oh crap, I can't help myself...LEEEEROOOOY!!! ARRR!!!
codpieces are cute.
How's this for some shyt?

I think I'm going to be joinging back up with WoW after this hiatus. I *crave* me some character creation.

Happy Year of the Dog!

Someone, please, make this. The moon may be #1, but space invaders will always have a place in me heart. You know you love it.

Here are some pictures of chinese girls making out. I...
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hmm i grok that this picture is a postmodern comment on the communist revolution and its repercussions in neocaptitalist china.

i have no idea really, except that i would like to be eaten by giant bunnies

what a way to die