if you can't tell the difference between heroine and heroin, you may have a problem...


as I was reminded: "dude, you get sick every year this time, we listen to your coughing for a week & bitchin' about sore throat & sinuses... he just had the flu, they have colds, so you just it worse this year" [...] "if it's covid, you've had it for over 10 fucking years..."

Whatever got me this week can't make up its mind: Mon sore throat, to Weds extreme fever, to now Fri stuffed sinuses... and random coughing throughout ( worst in the afternoons )
I wish you to get well soon ❤️

mmm-kay, fb, I don't know where you even got the idea that I, allergic to over 40 vegetables & an anti-vegetarian in general, fit the criteria to have vegan site after vegan site "suggested for [me]" - and then you only allow me to 'snooze' said sites for 30 days ? the hells ?!

The last long gasp of summertide before it's smothered by the chill cold that equates to roughly 9mths in these north midwestlands :(

the mornings are already long-sleeve or jacket required, despite the nice heat by afternoon/early eve

farthest south I've ever lived * sighs *
aye, I didn't make it far a'tall from the Minnkota borderlands of my youth nor the Can-LOW borderlands of...
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Summertide is - sadly - starting to segue into cooler weather already, with morning temps dropping * sighs *

BUT here we are, the morning of the first full day of my last vacation of the year...
a lot I could do, a lot I should do, and a few things to fill up the time between

the ex-wife's mother passed and her funeral is...
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for the next 229hrs this station is conducting a test of its last vacation of the year :) - nothing big beyond funeral, assisting where necessary, and a couple of local Lodge visits planned... I'd better enjoy it, it's quite a ways before warm weather hits next year !


it may seem hard to believe, but we CAN have differing opinions & ideas w/ different solutions AND still be civil & honest with these opinions & ideas without espousing hatred, initiating violence, or casting aspersions on the other - stop the vilification & ignorance already !

It's unpleasant when you see in another human a personality with their own views, beliefs, and opinions, and they are unable to see the same qualities in you. Such connections should be severed immediately. Attempts to explain are useless here. There are good and bad people. People become bad precisely for this reason. But believe me, there are many more good people.
the values I believe in and support are NOT things I was taught as a child ( as so many proclaim ) but things I learned from being a part of my community and a part of society growing up...
"learned" values, not "taught" values, so to speak ( with rare exception )

some of these include ( obviously? ) :

* respect and honour...
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yes, we get it - they sell edible thc locally now... the fact that you're so excited about it at work & around the apt complex I should remind you that does NOT make it legal at work nor in the complex where you signed no-drug-use contracts and can be fired/evicted for it...