WOO! Went out tonight, had a few beers, and started writing Issue 8 of Final Haven II (that's the comic I'm writing for those that don't know). I've written the last three issues of the story at the bar. I think it's beginning to grow on me. It's like the whole atmosphere just gets the creative juices flowing. I dunno. All I do know is,...
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Well you're making the right decision, you shouldn't date your co-workers, then the friendship is gone and you might have troubles at work ...

good luck with the comics... and the girls.
cheers smile
Just got back from the shore and what a fuckin trip that was. We came back early today, because most of us rode motorcycles down, and it was supposed to rain. Luckily, we beat the rain. It started just as the last one of us made it home.

But it was loads of fun. Saturday night was a blur. We got down there, and walked...
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you probably wouldn't have wanted it if you did get it. Tis root beer, which is another evil dirty trick I had up my sleeve. Bwhahahaha.
it was all i had a picture of!
Well, this is it. My last night in pa for the next 3 days. WOO HOO! Watch out Wildwood, here I come.

Well, it'll be a strange, drunken interpretation of me, but dammit, it'll still be me.

Ya'll have fun over the weekend. Catch ya when I get back.

have fun fun fun til your daddy takes your t'bird away!
zany wildwood. have fun smile
Well. Today was a complete waste of my life. Here's why:

I worked from 2pm-6pm. What kind of half assed shift is that!?!

I was supposed to attend a show tonight, that one of my new co-workers was preforming in. I didn't get to go, because everyone sucks and doesn't know how to return phone calls!

Bob and I were gonna go to the bar...
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Well, last night was a fun night. Worked till close, then went up to Fridays and Bennigans for a bit. After we got back to my buddy Bob's house, the girl he's seeing at the moment showed up. Now, Bob was stoned through the roof, and I was pretty sober. She was crying. Bob didn't know if what he was seeing was real, so he...
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Kick his ass sea bass.
wow that shit is so scary. i keep hearing about these girls getting fucked up, kidnapped and shit. makes me scared to live by myself frown you're a good friend; and at least she's okay.
I'm sick. It sucks. Had to call off from work today. First time in a year and a half that I've done that. I'm gonna turn into a couch potato today and just watch movies.

What's everyone's all time favorite movie? (I'm bored...and sick, so just answer)
my boyfriend lifeguards in avalon, so i'll usually go there or ocean city. not a big fan of wildwood. tho it's interesting to people-watch there. hehe.

my all time favorite movie would have to be empire records.
hows come were never on we will say we will skull skull
Well, got my show up on time last night.

Went out and drank...a lot. Ended up hitting on some girl named Lauren that works with/was hooking up with a buddy of mine. He gave me the green light. Actually, it was more like two thumbs up. Eh, what do I know...I was drunk. We'll see what happens. Cause it appears that the whole Justine saga...
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your musical taste is quite diverse, i must say. tongue what kind of music do you play?

my boyfriend is really into art, and ever since he got his first tattoo, he draws tattoo ideas onto his skin with sharpies, it's really funny and cute, until the permanent ink smudges off onto my clothes tongue but he said his aspiring profession when he retires from teaching is to be a tattoo artist. hehe.

nice to meet you, btw. biggrin
Thanks for the encouragement! I think it probably just comes with some practice. I'll probably take some lessons so I can mod the style into my own, but also know how to be lead. Having fun is really all that counts, but part of having fun is knowing what you're doing!

Ok. Confession time.

I'm drunk. To those that I added as friends, here's why:

A) You were cute.
B) We actually had something in common (i.e. we live in the same state, music, etc.)
C) Cause I didn't have a clue what I was doing.
D) Cause I'm a really nice guy, and who wouldn't want to be friends with me.

Ok, all of the...
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you should see some of the drunken comments I leave on peoples journals. We can be friends so long as you promise to comment. I hate people on my friends list who never ever comment. They usually get deleted right quick. I just generally like to skip that last step by asking people before I add them if they suck.
So, do you suck? smile
Eh. Flyers lost. Oh well. Shit happens.

I'm going out to see Troy with Justine. Although this is my second time, doesn't matter to me. It was a good movie.

I got a busy weekend coming up next week. I'll be traveling down to the Jersey shore for a memorial day weekend party. Three days of drinking, miniature golfing, tattooing, and god knows what else....
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hey what's up? i added you back. are you at tattoo artist?

i saw troy twice. good movie, but toooo long. almost fell asleep the second time.

just wnated to drop a line smile
It's now Friday....well, will be in about 15 minutes.

Philly won, so there's been a change of plans. I'm hangin with Justine on Saturday to watch the game, and going to see Troy either after that, or on Sunday. Either or, doesn't really matter to me. I get to spend time with her. That's what matters.

Well, I've been disgruntled with work. No, really, I...
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no you wont, cause you came to follow her orders... canadian ass whoopings will have to take a rain check.
when will i catch you

Happy day.

I get to drink tonight. WOO!

Going to see Troy again on Friday with Justine. WOO again!

Have to work at 1:30 today. frown Guess I've got to get the money somwhere. Stupid work.
frown It's Philly... I live too far.
when the next time you will be on so we can chat
Bored with a capital WTF?

Went out to watch the flyers game with Justine. They lost 4-2. Kinda put a damper on the night.

Now I'm sitting at home staring at a fucking computer screen, contemplating a move to San Antonio in August.

Ugh I hate nights like this.